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A/N there some child abuse in it.

Joey still had the cast on his arm and the stitches which still made things bittersweet. he was glad to be out of the hospital. one day joey was over at Adam house noticing how Adam never off took his chain.

"Sweetheart why do you wear the chain all the time with the ring." He knew it was hard for Adam to talk about.

"My boyfriend that died gave me the chain and he gave the ring on the night of the accident." Joey put his arm around him as Adam cried.

"Believe he gave me that ring because he wanted to marry me."

"You got me and I'll never leave you." The two lay on the couch in each other arms kissing. Joey turned to Adam with a smile.

"Sweetheart in two months I'll be 16 and all I want for my birthday is just to be with you."

"I like that. I can do that for you babe."

A year later

Joey was almost 17 getting ready to finish highschool and they were paling his wedding to Adam, they had been together for 2 years. Joey had fake teeth put on the top to place the ones his father knocked out. Adam had tattoos all down his left arm to hide self inflicted scars. By now more of cuts on his right arm was healed. Joey still scars on his wrists from trying to kill himself. They had matching tattoos that October 21 2010. As Joey looked at his engagement ring he thought back to the day he tried to kill himself.

April 9th 2010

Joey was listening to his music look at his black eye in the mirror. He was sick and tired of being abused since dad found out he was gay. It was 8:00 he was getting ready for school. He sat on his bed crying when he pulled out his special box out and took out his razors. He thought about writing a letter but the only people he could about saying good to was his younger brother and his boyfriend. He put his razor to his wrists and cut he could see all blood pouring out the cut. He lay on the bed thinking "I'm finally free." He heard a knock on the door it was his mother.

"Joey are you ready for school." There was no answer she opened the door and found Joey lying there half conscious, she saw the deep cuts from his wrists.

"Joey don't worry I'm going to get you help." He wanted to say to leave me here but he was too weak to speak. He passed out and woke up in the hospital tied down someone was at his bedside.

"You almost died why did you try to hurt yourself."

"I wanted to die please let me go."

"I can't do that Mr. Scott your parents signed you in for treatment."

"What the fuck they're the reason I did all this. Please don't listen to them." The doctor sated talk to with is parents Joey could overhear what they were saying

"He needs help but if stays here he'll just run. We need to put him a hospital in other state."

"There is a great hospital in Hollywood for him. Pack his bags in 2 days we'll transport him." All he could think about was what a bunch of bullshit they are talking about. He just started to cry and thought about running away but he would he was tied down

2 days later

The doctor came in his room that made him scared, the doctor took off his restraints off his him.

"Joey get dressed we're leaving for the airport in 16 minutes." As he was getting ready he thought about the locking the door trying on last time. He didn't he sat in the corner and just cried. He didn't want to go to CA. Joey didn't want be all alone somewhere people didn't know the whole truth. When the doctor came in back in Joey thought about telling him the truth.

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