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a pic of Adam on the side

A/N I own Joey. There parts of child abuse and anti gay speech. 

Disclaimer Adam falls for a 15 year boy

Adam walked into the hospital he felt sick thinking about everything that happened and what could happen. He was giving the rules and they told him about the cutting. As he lay in his room all he could think was about Tim and that made him feel sick again. He wanted so bad to take the razor and put to his arm and press but he didn't want to get yelled at. He also thought about group therapy and how hurt it would be to talk it out to people. When he went outside his room he spotted a young man that caught his mind. He had long brown hair and the most amazing brown eyes he ever seen. For the first time in a long while he felt good. He went to him.

"Hi." he felt nervous he didn't know what the guy would say back.

"Hi what are you in here for."

"I tried to kill myself after a tragedy."

"I'm here for the same reason too. My parents put me in here."

"So I'm 15 you don't care do you." Adam could tell the way he look at him he had a crush too. Soon he took Adam into his room sat him down on the bed and kissed him. Adam felt good and bad at the same time. At first all he could think about was Tim and that made him cry.

"Why are you crying did I do something wrong."

"I lost my boyfriend in a car crash and I'm still dealing. I don't want you to stop." Joey was the first person he fell in love with since he fell for Tim when he was on idol. As he lay on bed as the young man kissed and touched him all he thought was about Tim. soon a nurse came in and told him it was time for group therapy that made him nervous.

"I can see you don't like talking about what is bothered you."

"There was only one person I could tell my problems too. Don't feel letting other people listen to why did what I did. Joey kissed him one last time before they all went to the special room for group therapy.

"I would like to welcome Adam Lynch to our group. Maybe he would like to tell why he is here." Adam paused for a moment and felt sick but looking at Joey made things better

"I lost my boyfriend in a car crash and afterwards I went down a destructive path. Finally I wanted to end it all and sometime told not to." For the first time it felt good to talk about it. Joey got up to tell what happened.

"Last week I told part of my story. Well I told my parents that I was gay and they looked at like a crazy and my father hit me and they ignored me and I just got hit. When I felt like no one loved me and cut my wrists they cared. They put in here they couldn't say they caused it." Adam could feel his new lover's pain. He reached out his hand to Joey's, he held his hand and that made Adam smile. They wanted so badly to kiss. When they got back into Adam's room they started to kiss. Their shirts came off and Joey could see Adam was a cutter. Joey looked Adam's badly scarred arm and wondered what happened.

"Tell me what happened to your arm."

"Before I met my boyfriend that was killed. I used to cut because I was afraid of coming out that I was gay. One night I just cut without knowing that I was cutting too deep." Joey ran in fingers down his scars. He looked up at him and first time saw the big scar on his face.

"do you have a boyfriend Joey."  

"kinda my boyfriend went to jail for beating up my father when my father tried to kill me. i haven't seen or talked to him since he went away."  

"How come."  

"My parents wouldn't let go and see his mom so she could take me. I like you a lot so i guess no."  

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