alternative ending

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Owen had served his time and was ready to come home. He couldn't wait to see Joey his only true love. He rang Joey's number but got the number wasn't working. He took a cab home ready to start his new life. He hugged his mom tight so glad to see her. 

"I missed you so much. Mom I want to see Joey." 

"Owen we need to talk." 

"Sure." Owen sensed something was wrong but what. 

"Something happened to Joey when you were gone." 

"What happened tell me."? 

"A year after you went away Joey killed himself. He just couldn't take his pain." Owen just cried as mom handed him a letter. He opened and read it

dear babe

I'm so sorry that I ended up leaving you. I couldn't take all this abuse and the pain. I'll always love you no matter what. I needed you so bad but knew you were gone. If you're reading this it means you're free. I thought about you in my final hours. I tried to take it so I could see you again but it was just too much. I'm crying as I write this letter because it means I have to say goodbye. God I love you so much. I wish I could kiss you one last time.


A picture fell out of letter it was the last one they took together. He held it close as tears fell on the picture. He didn't know what to do. He ran out the house to the cemetery. He saw the tombstone and knelled down. It read: Joseph Scott 1995-2010 Owen started to talk.

I'm sorry I wasn't there you when you need to me the most to me. I love you so much baby. I can't believe you're gone and I couldn't even say goodbye.

2 weeks later

Owen hadn't been the same just stayed in his room all day. He couldn't face anyone, all he wanted was Joey and that wasn't gonna happen.

Everybody tells me .Oh all I need is time .Then the mornin' rolls in .And it hits me again. And that ain't nothin' but a lie

"Owen honey please come downstairs."

"Mom I just wanna be alone."

"I know but you can't stay in your room all the time." Owen wanted to go to his house and maybe Joey's mom would let have something of his. He called the number hoping his dad wouldn't answer.

"Hello." It was his mom

"It Owen Joey's boyfriend I was wondering if could come by and talk."

"Sure I can do that for you." He walked to the house it felt eerie going back there after all he saw there. He rang the doorbell and she answered the two hugged.

"I'm so sorry for your lose."

"Thank you. What did you want to talk about?"

"I just found out Joey and I wad wondering if I could something of his."

"Of course." Sonia knew how much Owen meant to her son and that Joey would've wanted him to something. When they got to his room it looked the same.

"Thank you for allowing me to come."

""Take what whatever you want." He went under the bed and found the box he took that. The box was the place Joey kept stuff no one else but Owen knew about. He took some shirts.

"I really appreciate this so much." They hugged one last time before he left. When Owen got home he went to straight to his room and opened the box. He saw pics of them together, his journal, and his cigarettes. He started to read the journal parts were really sad and others really happy. The shirts still smelled like him which made Owen happy

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