Chapter 16

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A/N: PLEASE READ EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY FIND IT BORING!!!! (it might help with any confusion)

Ok, I know none of you care, but this is my longest chapter yet, and is 5 pages on Word (if you comment 'only 5 pages? That's not alot' I will cry, cos it's a lot for me alright?)

I just wanted to make something clear, cos my friend Jenna (PiesAreAmazing) asked me a few questions, and I thought I would answer them here, cos I'm that awkward.

Chapters 11-14 has mainly been all about Noah, so chapters 16-19 is going to be mainly based on Jason. I do find it easier to write from Noah's POV, cos I'm trying to portray Noah to be socially awkward (like me), and Jason is meant to be more of a normal guy (except the fact he's an agent).

Also, the whole name problem - Jenna has also said that she's confused with the names, and I totally understand. So here are what the names are going to be for now:

Jason likes Ella (Eleanor Parkinson), he is best friends with Lyds (Lydia/Olivia) and Noah likes Katie (also known as Els in Noah's POV)

Sorry it's confusing, but hopefully in later chapters it will get less confusing as the story develops.

Ok, yeah, that's all. Enjoy the chapter that took me ages to write!!!!!


*Jason POV*

After a night of admittedly being slightly worried about my safety for the first time this trip, I came to the conclusion that the only way I can protect Eleanor Parkinson, is if I can be next to her whenever I can, so I can keep an eye on her.

The only way that will happen, is if I confess I know who they are.

You’re probably wondering why I’m distressed about this (if you weren’t aware already). No? Well tough, I’m still telling you.

It’s because I don’t want to lose the relationships I have.

Being in the CIA, means you have to do your job, and you need to be professional. I don’t want Lyds treating me like an agent, and not like her friend.

It would also be the worst feeling ever, if I was friend zoned by Ella, especially as we’re about to be spending even more time together.

But, unfortunately, there really isn’t another choice. I hadn’t seen anyone of then since yesterday. It’s hard to believe all this drama happened only yesterday. I know Noah hasn’t seen them either, again proving he needs time to recover from yesterday’s events as he is an agent.

Lyds and I agreed to meet up tonight with the rest of the group, my reason being that we needed to ‘discuss’ something important. We were meeting in my dorm, as I knew that Noah was doing some language opening thing for the college, being bilingual and all.

As I wait for them, I grow more and more nervous. My assignment is about to hit a huge turning point, and honestly, I’m really enjoying my life. Am I ready for what’s going to happen next?

My answer? A beer. Or two.

One hour later, I’m sprawled out across the sofa, munching on onion rings and drinking my fourth (or is it fourteenth?) beer, waiting for them.

What? I like onion rings. Get over it.

Do you know what I just realised? Onion rings look like rings. And they oniony. LOL. Oniony.

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