Chapter 3

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I entered Tanya's office on the thirteenth floor,  well it wasn't exactly an office it was more like a lab.  There were a lot of shelves  , and there was a huge glass table in the middle of the room, all arount the lab there were machines and electrical gismos and gadgets , that I didn't know the function of.  But yet Tanya worked them with such ease,  one could have sworn it was as easy as screwing the lid off of a jar of peanut butter.

I saw Tanya working behind the counter working with a blow torch and wearing one of those big dark masks.

I don't know how she does it,  maybe its a sixth sense or something,  but everytime I entered her lab when she was busy with watever,  she would always know I'm there.  I didn't even make a sound as stepped into her lab yet she imediatey paused,  and turned to face me. 

Taking her mask off so I could see her face she greeted me with her chipper voice,  how could she still sound so lively so early in the morning? 

"Good morning Row,  I'm glad to see you. " she said.

I wish I could be more like her,  she's so friendly and open with everyone.  And I must admit, I think she is one of the most beautifull women I have ever seen.  She has strawberry blonde hair cut in a cute pixie style,  her skin is flawless and perfectly tan,  her light blue eyes are soft and friendly,  and she has a body any model would kill for.  She is 23,  and more like a sister to me than a work colegue.  She has been with me through thick and thin, since the day I arrived at MI6, and didn't know anybody, she was there to help me on my feet.  And even though her chipper personality sometimes freaks people out,  I love her to bits.

"Good morning Tanya,  I brought that dress back for you " , I said handing her the brown bag with the dress inside.

"Oh thank you so much dear,  I sure hope nothing happened to it, it is a one of a kind. .." She paused seeing the blood stain on the side of the dress that my bullet wound caused.

She stared at me expecting an explanition,  but I only gave her a guilty smile.

"Oopsie " I shrugged.

"Rowan what happened out there? " she asked concerned,  knowing I rarely got any bad wounds.

"Well,  long story short,  I got a call from Anderson, telling me to come in,  I fought with the bad guys,  got shot in all the chaos and... ", but I was cut off.

"Wait a minute you got shot,  and you didn't tell me? "

"Well yeah,  but its no big deal Tan,  it's just a flesh wound so I'll be ok." I said,  trying to get off of this topic,  but obviously failing since she kept on pondering it.

"Let me see.  " she said taking a step towards me. 

"No really Tanya I'm fine, I bound it and everything... " I tried again,  but to no avail.

"Rowan! " she said sternly,  and I knew this battle was over.

I nodded and she smiled at her victory,  she was always better with pesuasion than I was. I wonder why she wasn't in the field,  I mean she would be completing missions by the hour with her awesome abilities. I knew she was a genius in all this tech stuff and all, but still.

I know she used to be in the field a long time ago but that is abit of a touchy subject with her.

"Sit! " she ordered pointing at a clear space on the counter. And I obeyed.

Pulling my jacket and the bandage of she gave a wistle at the sight and said : "This is a bad one,  I'm going to have to stich it up. "

I didn't protest again knowing not to stand in her way when her mind is set on something.

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