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"Alright that should be everything" I said sitting up after I finished writing the last part of the writing portion of our project after our conversation in the kitchen. She sighed stretching her arms before running her hands through her hair. Something I grew to really like. After we talked a little not about Spencer's life, we actually talked more and the tension was almost completely gone. It was like all of the hatred faded away and we were old friends. 

"Well see you around tomorrow" she told me getting up.

"Hey wait, wait, wait" I said grabbing her arm. Her head snapped towards me and I quickly let her go. We were cool but we weren't that cool.

"I wanna take you out" I said proudly. She looked at me confused.

"What?"  She said.

"Don't worry it's not a date" I let her know ahead of time. 

"No I'm not letting you take me out. We're cool but we're not that cool" she shook her head. Told you.

"Oh lighten up Spencer. You spend all day at home either cooking, cleaning, or doing homework. You never have any real fun" I shrugged standing up too.

"Maybe that's real fun to me" she crossed her arms slightly amused.

"Then you really do need to go out. And I want to make up for being an ass" I said with a small laugh before correcting myself remembering I was still in her house. She looked away in thought of a minute and sighed.

"Only for a little while. We have school tomorrow and I-" she stopped when I rolled my eyes. 

"You must read dictionaries for fun don't you?" I said. 

"Sorry I don't enjoy getting drunk every night, but I have responsibilities that I can't pass up whenever I want" she said matter-of-factly.

"Alright I was wrong" I shook my head. She nodded in approval.

"You read encyclopedias instead" I stuck out my tongue running away laughing as she chased me.                       °•°•°•°

I took Spencer to the mall and we stayed there for about an hour before just walking around the city. In the small amount of time we were hanging out, I could tell she was getting more comfortable with me and I was getting more comfortable with her. 

"Now don't tell me this isn't better than cooking and cleaning" I laughed after walking away from ColdstoneSpencer's favorite ice cream place apparently.

"Its not horrible" she teased. I laughed eating some of my ice cream. We stopped at a table and sat down.

"So what's your story, Minnesota?" She asked after a minute. 

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"You know, your back story. I told you some of mine, now you gotta tell me some of yours" she said after eating some of her own ice cream. 

"Ah" I nodded. "Well there's not really much. My parents are trying not to get a divorce but my sister and I know it's coming soon. So we moved here and uhm...then the day before we came here, I found out that my ex cheated on me with my best friend and got pregnant with his kid. But you already knew that" I shrugged. I tried to act like it didn't hurt me but nothing about it didn't.

"M' sorry that happened to you" she said. 

"It is what it is" I shrugged again. 

"Do you talk to your sister a lot?" She changed the subject.

"I do, but conversation isn't really that long. She's usually busy" I mumbled the last part. 

"Busy?" She raised an eyebrow.

"She's in school so you know, she's out a lot" I said. She nodded eating more ice cream. 

"So how is she here then?" she said.

"She goes to NYU so this benefited her more than it did me " I explained.

"No way, I'm trying to get into NYU right now. Maybe you could talk to your sister and she could help me" she suggested.

"I guess" I shrugged.

"And your girlfriend?" Spencer asked.

"Ex" I reminded her. She sighed nodding.

"And what about you? You have any relationship drama?" I asked amused. She chuckled.

"None. I don't do relationships" she shook her head with a smile. 

"Well aren't you lucky?" I teased. She only shrugged.

"Out of all of the things going on in my life, I don't need relationship drama to be one of them. Besides, I don't need a Prince Charming to get my happy ending" she said simply.

"You're just full of inspirational quotes aren't you, ghandi?" I laughed. 

"I guess" she shrugged.

"Alright miss thing" I raised my hands in surrender.

"Well not in a conceited way of course. You just gotta realize your worth and when you do, you won't settle for anyone who doesn't. Not one person here would" she told me. I nodded.

"Sometimes you need someone else to help you realize it"  I pointed out.

"Sometimes you don't have someone to help you" she said back. I stared at her. I wonder if she's ever had someone in her life that helped her at all. If she had anyone to help her properly be herself. Maybe that's why she's never really had any real fun. She's too busy growing up.

"When you're like me, you don't get help, you don't have anyone to remind you that you can do it or that you have more value than you think. You are your own help, and while it may not be enough sometimes, it's all you have" she explained. I nodded as she talked. It all makes sense, it's just sad that that's her life. 

"Well, not anymore alright? You have me now whether you like it or not. You ever need someone to talk to or just...another hangout like this, let me know" I said as she ate. She smiled.

"Are you saying that we're actually friends now?" She asked playfully. I smirked. 

"Only if you stop threatening me with bats" I warned. She folded her hands resting her head on them waiting.

"Are you really making me say it?" I questioned.

"That would be nice" she smiled. I sighed.

"Yes, Spencer, we're friends now, if that's okay with you" I motioned towards her.

"If you insist" she said sarcastically.

"Shut up" I laughed.

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