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"You know, the defending for me thing would've nice if you would've left out the insult part" I said to Spencer over the phone. A few minutes after school ended, she called me up to let out everything she didn't say in school. Normally she would come over and we talked but she had softball practice today.

"Did you hear all of that?!" she yelled to me as soon as I stopped talking.

"Spence I was sitting right th-" but she cut me off.

"Who the hell does he think he is? You can't speak? Who does he think he's talking to? Does he not know what I do to-and then he had the nerve to call me princess!" She went on. To you, you may think she's overreacting but this is how Spencer is. She doesn't handle rude well at all. And the minute someone disrespects her, she flips. She has some serious anger issues that I've been trying to tell her for months but does she listen? Nope. 

"I'm proud of you though, this is the first time you haven't punched someone in the face in an argument" I told her as I took my homework out of my bag. 

"You know I can't into another fight or I'm never gonna get into-" 

"NYU. How could I forget? You can't fight him because you want to get into NYU" I teased.

"But god I wanted to so bad!" She groaned laughing a little to a distract her from how mad she was.

"I know. I didn't expect him to be so rude. And when I talked to him he was cool" I said thinking back.

"I told you, we hate each other" she said. 

"Well I have no idea how you're going to deal with that because on the fifteenth, we have to do a little group poster" I reminded her.

"Are you serious?" she moaned annoyed.

"Completely. And that's next week so read up.  I on the other hand, have read this book ten thousand times so I know it like the back of my hand. Have fun getting cozy with lover boy" I smirked.

"Michael!-" she started but I hung up laughing. I know it sounds crazy but, I actually think something good would come out of Spencer and Calum working together. Me and Spencer weren't on good terms when we first met but that's what morphed us into becoming friends. And it might sound insane right now but I think it could happen to them.

I was pissed off by the time the day ended. Calum's face and words kept replaying in my mind. And so I took it to the best place I knew: the court. I put on my knee pads, grabbed my ball and walked out of the locker room with my athletic bag on my shoulder. But once again for the second time today, I bumped into someone immediately recognizing it was Calum...again. 

"Dear God can you just walk in a straight line for once in your life? And why do you walk so close to doorways, what is wrong with you?!" I yelled at him immediately but he only stood there with his head cocked to the side a little.

"What are you doing now?" I raised an eyebrow still not calming down.

"I didn't know you play volleyball" he said. I followed his gaze which lead to my ball. 

"You didn't know I existed a few days ago either but look where we are now" I uttered walking away putting my ball on my shoulder. 

"I need your number" he followed me and I turned around confused.

"Excuse me?" I said. This boy had to be out of his mind. He'd been here for what, four days and he was already asking for my number knowing I couldn't stand him.

"This whole assignment is a bunch of huge projects and I'm going to need your number to reach you" he shrugged pulling out his phone. But there was a look in his eye that I didn't trust.

"Project?"  I questioned.

"Yes" he nodded annoyed. I watched him for a few more seconds and took my ball off of my shoulder gripping it in both hands.

"You see this ball? This is what is gonna be spiked across your face if I find out that anyone else has this number but you and the people I gave it to already" I threatened. He smirked a little and I glared and held the ball up to his jaw line. 

"It's fine if you don't believe me. CJ didn't either. Why don't you ask him how that went for him" I said making his smile fade. I lowered the ball and took his phone from him putting my number in.

"CJ?" He said after a minute. I looked up at him giving him a cold smile.

"Tell him I said hey, would you?" I said. And I walked away throwing my ball in the air catching it again and again.

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