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"Art Room, Auditorium, Band room..." she mumbled stalking past them as she talked. It had only been 3 minutes and the only time she actually stopped was to re-tie her shoe which was only for a few seconds.

"Slow down, you've been breezing past classrooms and you haven't even really shown me anything" I said annoyed now. Even while I was talking she continued to walk away.

"I was told to physically show you around, not individually tell you where things are" she muttered. I couldn't help but glare. Everything she did just had to be so complicated

"What's your deal?" I demanded walking ahead and standing in front of her finally making her stop.

"I don't have time to play Dr. Phil with you right now!" She snapped at me.

"I don't have time to try and act like your dad so why don't you make yourself useful and do your job" I yelled back.

"Let me tell you something Romeo. This? is not my job. The only reason I'm showing you around, is because I don't feel like hearing Thyme's mouth. I don't like you so don't flatter yourself princess" she snapped. I clenched my jaw as she talked. If I said anything else, it would just lead to an even longer argument but I couldn't just let her think she shut me up or something.

"Well, you might wanna get over that, cause whether you like it or not, I'm not going anywhere" I told her. She groaned annoyed and that's when I came to a realization.

"It's cause you're attracted to me, isn't it?" I smirked. Sounded  reasonable. I expected her to say a smart remark or something like that but she surprised me by laughing.

"You are so pathetic, I put you in your place and your conclusion is that I'm attracted to you? Dude get out of here" she laughed even harder. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"It's boys like you that make me want to just quit with the whole male population. You gotta stop thinking so highly of yourself, shrimp" she waved me off bumping me as she walked past.

"You're so transparent it's pathetic. I know your game better than you do, that's a fact. And I know way more about you than you think I do" she said. Once again I got in her way to stop her from walking away but she brushed past me again. I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her against the lockers and trapped her by putting my arms on either side of her with my face just inches away from hers.

"Amuse me, little girl" I challenged. Her shocked expression was replaced by a confident one. She was quiet for a few seconds before smirking.

"You're your own little sob story, aren't you?" She said. My expression never changed.

"From what I hear, you've just gone through a tough break up. Now, I don't know the details but  I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that it hurt you so bad, that you're willing to take any girl that will throw herself at you simply because you have nothing to distract you from the intense heartache you feel every night before you go to sleep, isn't that right, baby?" she said steadily. I couldn't help the surprised look on my face.

"I know a lot more than you think, pretty boy" She said patting my cheek twice. And without saying another word, she ducked under my arm and walked away.

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