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Time passed and after Lisa's one million "goodbyes" and "I love you's", my conversation on the phone, and my five minute drive to school, I was finally inside and  away from the pouring rain. One thing I've quickly learned about this place is: when it rains, it rains hard. I sighed wiping my hands on my jeans looking around as I walked. I just had to find the front office. I wandered around for a few seconds before my phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket and groaned at the text. It was from Lila.

You've made a big mistake, Hood

I stared at it frustratedly. She just couldn't understand. I prepared to put my phone back into my pocket when I felt something hard bump into me causing me to drop my phone.

"Sorry" I apologized as I reached down to retrieve my phone.

"No it's totally-" but the voice stopped once I stood up and saw who I was talking to. Anastasia's daughter. She must have been thinking the same thing I was because her expression hardened.

"..Not okay. Watch where the hell you're going next time, Stretch" she spat before turning to walk away.

"Save it, I was just trying to get to the front office" I muttered. I didn't have time for her either.

"And you think you're gonna get there by wandering the English hall?" She laughed discouragingly.

"Then why don't you just take me there since you seem to know everything" I snapped.

"And why on earth would I do that?" She smirked crossing her arms amused. I could tell she was soaking in every minute of this.

"Look, it's my first day here and believe it or not, I actually want to get to my classes, So will you help me or not?" I said. Her eyes stayed on me for a minute before starting to walk away.

"Is that a yes?" I asked.

"What's the opposite of no, genius?" she grumbled and sighed again quickly following. 
"Alright Venti, just go in there" she said motioning inside the office once we arrived.

"Wait which door do I go through? There's like four in there" I said.

"Just ask the lady at the front desk!" She groaned annoyed.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" The secretary asked putting an abrupt halt on our conversation. We both answered at the same time.


"Excuse me?" The lady asked again with a light chuckle. Anastasia's daughter groaned rolling her eyes before walking past me and walking up to the desk and I followed.

"Green Giant's new here" she said. Her nicknames for me were honestly starting to piss me off but I said nothing as I pulled my phone out.

"Alright what's your name, honey?" The woman asked me sweetly. She had long white hair cascading down her back, ancient brown eyes, and purple nails.

"Calum" I looked up. When I looked back down at my phone, I noticed Anastasia's daughter staring at me and when I looked at her she looked at me a little longer before looking away too.


"Mr. Hood!" A happy deep voice bellowed causing both me and my escort to jump.

"I'm Mr. Thyme. Your mother called me yesterday and told me so much of you. You know, I'm from Mississippi myself" he said walking up to me.

"I'm actually from Aust-" but he cut me off.

"Ah Mississippi, such a nice place. I went to college there to play football. Say, you've got the muscle, do you play?" he asked  rambling on.

"No, I actually play-" once again I was interrupted.

"Well that's a shame. Maybe basketball. Anyway, I understand that you're new to the area so here's what I'll do, I'll have them print up your schedule and a buddy show you 'round" he said.

"Sounds good" I nodded.

"You bet it does" he grinned. He was strangely energetic which was unusual for a Monday morning.

"Well, as much as I would love to stick around and play the world's smallest violin at the sight of this terribly annoying meet and greet, I have a class to get back to" Anastasia's daughter said starting to leave. 

"Now wait a minute, Reynolds, you're a volunteer, why don't you show Mr. Hood around?" Mr. Thyme offered. I raised an eyebrow amused as I leaned on the counter.

"No" she said turning around to face us again.

"And why not?" Mr. Thyme asked.

"Yeah, why not, Reynolds?" I grinned. She glared at me and loosely crossing her arms.

"Honest answer?" She asked Mr. Thyme.

"That would be helpful" he said still possessing that overly peppy smile.

God he's annoying

She gave him a sarcastic smile then narrowed her eyes staring straight into mine.

"Because I'd rather watch the paint dry than help Snow Height, here, get around" she said truthfully. So that's how she wants to be, fine.
"I mean, you helped me get here and that was helpful. Maybe we can get to know each other a little better and try to be friends with you helping me out like this" I bluffed. I looked over at Thyme and he smiled at me pleased.

"Now, how can you say no to him?" He said to her. I looked at her and I could tell she was beyond pissed.

"Wouldn't you like to know" She answered sharply. He stared at her for a minute before looking away clearing his throat and turning back to me.

"Spencer will be a great help, she's can be a very sweet girl, just a little rough is all" he assured before starting to leave. Spencer? So that's her name...

"Be a buddy" he winked. Mr. Thyme patted my shoulder twice then walked away. I followed Spencer out into the hall. She shook her head and looked at me.

"Let's just get this over with already" she growled. And she  started to walk off again.

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