Chapter 28- Crimson Tears

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    Her eyes winced in pain as her right calf tightened in excruciating pain. Dragging her cramped leg along, Blythe limped her way to keep up with the rest of the militia, until a sudden halt made her freeze in her tracks as they came into view of the enemy with their blood red coats on display. Though Benjamin made a simple conversation, inaudible for her ears, a sudden chill shuddered down Blythe's spine; knowing this was a bound fatality as the soldier in charge announced:

  "This is the King's highway!"

 "Oh my God!" Blythe gasped as a plethora redcoated soldiers appeared in formation, realizing this was planned thoroughly. Peering to her right, a crowd of horsemen emerged charging down the hills in that dreadful uniform Blythe knew too well. Much to her surprise, her heart sank upon seeing him at the root of it all. Before she knew it, she was charging into the brush in an unthinkable desperation for cover, stumbling over a protruding root, landing flat on her sore stomach; unable to even dare see the many fallen soldiers succumbing to the puncture of a swarm of riddling bullets, falling down left and right before her very eyes. She crawled up, huddling into a fetal position, her musket held tight against her aching breastbone as her heart throbbed rapidly. Her ears numbed from the deafening gunshots being fired into the voracious air, filled with the pungent stench of fresh blood. 

As she squinted her eyes in the mass distance she could only view a few hands raised with their muskets in hand; surrendering to the enemy. Among them was Reverend Oliver and John Billings, dropping their arms as the Redcoats suddenly blocked her sight with their backs turned. Blythe's dilated cerulean eyes watered as she hunkered down, slowly inching her way on her stomach, until to her surprise she suppressed her gasp upon the sight of Occam and Dan Scott huddled for cover.

  "Janis, what in Hell's name are you doing here." Dan painfully groaned out as he gently lifted off his hand from the bloody fabric where a bullet had pierced his knee.

  "What Benjamin had ordered that's all you need to know." Blythe stated abruptly as her eyes gazed closely at the wound and up at Occam who only looked up with gratitude and honor, knowing in his heart he did what was right. "You better be grateful Occam here saved your life instead of treating him with that damned racist mentality you got."

Dan stared down in realization as Blythe set her attention to the sight of surrender. She turned to the two men. "Stay hidden, I'll meet up with you both shortly." She gulped in apprehension as she crouched down creeping closer to the scene; nauseated upon the sight of the corpses that laid in her sight, while Benjamin and a few others had escaped his clutches. 

 Suddenly, she spotted him in the distance up on a sturdy chestnut gelding in that cold-blooded uniform she couldn't bear to see any longer, his face hardened with a vengeance, and an icy gleam resurfaced in those apathetic azure eyes as he held up his loaded pistol aiming straight for the back of another eluding militia member, as his trigger pulled inward and a bullet pierced his oblivious self.

 No... Her mind echoed as she kneeled back down within the plain sight of another lifeless body, the blood trickling down his head, leaving a trail along his eye, as if he had cried crimson tears. She stared down at the musket within her hands, knowing this cruel side had to be put to an end. Blythe could feel her swollen eyes well up; teardrops falling onto the musket, her heart throbbing as she felt her hands encircle around the handle and her finger  grazed the trigger once again as she aimed for him against her will. She peered up as she saw her reluctant opportunity, her tears blurring her vision as she clenched her eyes shut hearing her gunshot ring out, only a more deepening voice groaned in pain; realizing her shot had punctured the life of another callous soldier who interjected his bullet. She quickly sprinted into the brush as her tears streamed violently down her reddened cheeks, burning with the sorrow she now felt having taken a life. She knew sure enough they were charging after her, out to seek their vengeance, and achieve their victory of capturing the wanted caper. She didn't turn her back as she steered clear of them, collapsing to her knees as she cried out with pain, her lungs were winded and her stomach sore as she lied upon the soil, awaiting her doom yet to come. Her eyes clenched shut as she laid flaccidly, knowing doom was sure to come.

 "I actually killed a man."  Blythe trembled as she sat before Occam and Dan who had found her along the way whilst in hiding. The dusk now set into view,hiding the sun in its nightly cloak. 

 "Well Janis, that is war. You kill a man, you shed your blood, and you move towards your freedom."  Dan responded, eyeing the wound on his kneecap now wrapped around in a torn piece of cloth off of the edge of Blythe's cape. 

 "I'm seeing it for myself already." She muttered as she turned to Occam who remained silent in the stillness of the night that surrounded him. 

 "You know somethin' Janis, if it wasn't for God speakin' to me, I wouldn't have joined the militia."

 "And if it weren't for God speaking to Occam, he wouldn't have saved your life. How does that feel? Knowing the person you despised for his color actually took the time to save you, and yet you still treat him like he's nothing."


 "Don't Janis me, thank him right now, cause one day you're gonna wake up and regret it. Is that what you want?"

Dan lowered his head as his chestnut hazel eyes gazed towards the ground, he turned to Occam with reluctant remorse. Whereas Blythe could hear noises in the far distance and see the burning torches in plain sight. She rose from huddled knees and squinted to see the enemy pitching their tents in the far distance past the creek that laid in front of her. Yet the very urge burned within her to find her way back.

  "Guys, I hate to interrupt the apologies and thanks, you guys head back to the camp, I gotta do something." 

 "Janis you're out of your goddamn mind."

 "Dan you don't understand, they got our men in their clutches, they'll be hanged, if I don't do something."

 Dan only scratched at his scalp and nodded as Blythe only smiled solemnly and raced towards the amber lit sight, pure white canvas tents pitched all around and no sign of a redcoat or dragoon in sight until a sudden bray nearby sounded. Blythe peered behind a translucent tent viewing  the many geldings secured, instantly she fidgeted  at the leather reigns in a desperate attempt to remain silent, as the horse continued to bray about, until suddenly a pistol had cocked behind her ears.

 "Turn around." A stern broad voice instructed.

Hi everyone, 

 I apologize for the delay in posting this chapter. No I have not forgotten about you guys, I recently became employed and have been working some crazy, screwy shifts. Please if anyone is going to get a job, I would NOT recommend applying at Wendy's out of all places. Otherwise than that, I have come up with an original aside from my fanfictions, it's a work in progress and I try to get to it whenever I can. But anywho, please do enjoy the chapter and of course comment, vote,etc. 

  Much love to you you all,


         Rii :) <3

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