Chapter 9: Fragile Beauty

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 His eyes clenched shut as he could still see her drenched in misery. Her excruciating cries rang through his ears as she yelped in pain upon the strike of the whip. A delicate flower's cries couldn't be shaken from even the most heartless man. Within his mind, he could only question: How could Bordon out of all people be so cruel to hurt such fragile beauty?

 Tavington's eyes fixated at the window panel and the wide plantation that laid within the iridescent rays of light now setting within the rosy hues of the setting sun. His insides shook upon seeing the sight of his prisoner being savagely beaten by one of his very own, her fragile flesh was stained with the scarlet of suffering. 

You should've just left me...  Were the only words that clung to his mind repeatedly as he somberly departed from the room the moment she turned her back to him, since then has he been within matted walls of the study room staring out at that now sunless sky. Only a candlelight had shone, casting a amber glow over the contemplative Colonel Tavington.

"Colonel." Bordon initiated as he closed the door behind him.

But his eyes of cerulean glared his way with disdain upon his gratuitous violence imposed upon the fragile rose that now quaked with such fright.

"I wish not to speak with you." He stood erectly.

"Colonel, she is only a prisoner. Why hang on to such a burden?"

"She is my burden, not yours, and how dare you even strike her in such way." 

"Colonel, why so defensive over something so insignificant?"

"SILENCE!" Tavington's voice bellowed out, echoing through the walls of the study room. "I shall restate myself only once Captain, if you ever dare lay a hand on her again in any way, I shall have you demoted to the lowest of lows Bordon. Is that what you want?"

Captain Bordon's sea glass eyes dilated in astonishment upon hearing of a possible demotion from his elite position, but hardened in pure rage against his commander.

"I best be departing now."  He exited leaving the antagonized Bordon in pure incredulity; making his way up the steps to the fastened door where behind, laid a fragile beauty who writhed in the very pain he had caused her.

 The mere thought made him ponder over the throbbing cries that emitted from her lips. Just as he was to enter, Judith's voice was heard, conversing with his prisoner. He quietly opened the door to see Lady Harrington tending to the scarlet tinged wounds of his prisoner.

"Lady Harrington, that will be all." He excused her from her duties.The iciness within his eyes was absent as he vehemently gazed at the auburn haired girl that laid incapacitated under the sheets that concealed her vulnerable body as she painfully turned to her side.

 Judith eyed the affectionate stare of Tavington and back at the hurting face of the beauty he had captured.

"Very well then." Judith sighed stressfully before she excused herself, glancing back at the young girl.

Tavington closed the door behind him, and turned to face the beauty that lied in pain before his very eyes that now deepened in a burning and desirable azure...

Captured [The Patriot Fanfic]  ON HOLDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon