Chapter 26: Irrefutable Verity

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"Gabriel," Blythe started as they sat across from each other in the tent. She exhaled a stressful sigh as she fiddled for the slender silver iPhone in the pocket of the taupe trousers she wore. She clenched her eyes shut as she pulled it out. With the battle occurring tomorrow morn, she could only dread the outcome, facing a matter of life and death in a field of perforating bullets and the unthinkable bloodshed to be witnessed before her very eyes. Suddenly, her eyes welled with tears, she couldn't hide who she truly was from everybody. Instantly she remembered the card Ms.Burwell had given her before being zapped away two-hundred years back. She scrambled through her cross-body purse to find the white Hallmark envelope still sealed.

"Dear Blythe,

You have by far been my most outstanding student , for that I am proud of you. These past 4 years you have worked hard and given your all into your studies no matter what had come in your way. I knew you had it in you from the very start. I wish you all the best in your path as you go off to the University of Virginia. I know you will do just fine. If ever you need any help what so ever, don't hesitate, I am here.

- Ms.Burwell "

"Blythe, what troubles you?" Gabriel questioned in the midst of the whirling thoughts that made Blythe cringe in fear.

"I don't know what tomorrow brings..." She trailed off.

"None of us do."

"You don't understand Gabriel, there's something you must know." Blythe cried as she held out her phone to him.

Gabriel's eyebrows knitted together, flummoxed at the mere sight of a modern electronic. He stroked the surface delicately in realization. His head raised as he turned to face Blythe, who only shook her head truthfully.

"God forbid, if anything happens...I would hate to leave the face of the earth, without at least one person knowing the truth. The truth sets you free, so everyone has told me." Blythe suddenly felt a morsel of the weight lift off her heart almost immediately, but yet so much still remained burdened on her heart, knowing her love is the enemy she would have to face; dreading the possibility of being held captive once again. Her cerulean eyes grew transparent upon her frightening thought.

"How ever did you arrive in such a time as this?"

Blythe slowly tugged at the end seams of the poet's shirt, lifting it up to the nape of her neck, revealing the fibrous scar that etched diagonally over her pallored ivory skin. Her eyelids cringed shut as the frigid air bit mercilessly at her skin.

"Oh dear God in Heaven..."

"Who knew a bolt of lightning could bring me to a time like this? Who knew my life would change so suddenly. Sometimes I still wonder why, just why had God chosen me to face such unrest, so unthinkable to the modern world. Why did it have to be me?" A despondent Blythe huddled her knees close to her chest, burying her face in the crestfallen pain she had felt upon her shoulders... Upon her heart.

"I knew..." Gabriel finally spoke, almost inaudibly.

"What?" Blythe lifted her head from the dark crevice encased by her knees. The stinging tears at her cheeks tingled in the gelid air, her cheeks reddened ablaze.

" There was just an oddity about you, no other dame would dare display. Your valor to even flee the enemy. Dear Blythe, your valiance alone rather astounds me more than I could ever ponder over." Gabriel glanced up, handing young Blythe back her sleek-back iPhone. His flaxen hair remained curled in the band that held his hair back, yet his hazel eyes softened a tad in acceptance.

"Do you not see, you were sent here to aid us, to lend us your bravery and courage. The Heavenly Father sent you for us. Blythe, I am much beyond obliged to have you as a part of this militia. Whatever this war brings will be in the hands of our Father, no man would dare determine." He added with eyes that gazed with such hope for a better world beyond such time and upheaval.

Blythe only inhaled deeply as her hands folded and her head bowed down.

"I believe I am finished. Dear Blythe, do rest." Gabriel stood, pacing towards the flaps of the tent.

"Gabriel-" Blythe cut off abruptly as he turned to her awaiting what more she had to say.

"P-P-Please do pray with me..." She trailed off, astonished by her own request.

Gabriel's lip curled inward in pondering his decision, as he paced back towards the bedside, kneeling down atop the grassy surface, as the two spoke unison in prayer.

Let my fate rest in your hands, and my purpose be fulfilled Blythe closed her eyes in thought as her lips vocalized in intercession; releasing her weight to be dealt, in do time...

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