Chapter 15: The Surprise Detonation

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 Blythe could still feel the many eyes that gaped at her and William as the violins sounded melodiously while she swung in elegance within his arms. Not even at her prom did she even do such as dance with a guy. More or less anybody. Here she was two hundred something years back, doing what she never thought she would even do in the modern day.  She could still feel the widened eyes of Cornwallis and O'Hara studying each and every detail of their waltz.

  As William pulled her away from the crowd to a more tranquil place, she could only beam with uncontrollable glee as he helped her atop the beveled platform of the rounded wooden gazebo hidden within the greenery of the massive garden. With not a soul in sight, he suavely made his way towards her. Both her hands took a hold of his only for a moment, until he released them to grip her waist. His deepening eyes darkened the same way they did that very night he pleaded for love, with grace his hands motioned upward resting palms-down within the middle of her back, and within a slight arch forward the only thing she could feel was the warming caress of his lips trace over her neck. Blythe could only close her eyes euphorically.

   "My beautiful Blythe..." He trailed off. "I love you." He spoke the very three words that almost seemed foreign to Blythe's ears. Her lips parted emitting an almost inaudible groan, wanting to replicate the exact same words, but the mere shock of hearing: "I love you" seemed to create a barrier to even reply to such words so soon. She knew she was in love and she couldn't deny it. Despite their differences, there was no controverting  the spark that had now developed into more than what she anticipated. 

   "I love you." He mumbled out once again as his lips stroked against hers wispily. Blythe could feel her arms wrap around his neck, drawing him closer to her; not wanting to let go. 

   "Never did I ever think I would fall for a beauty like you." He spoke as he broke the endless kiss.

   "I never thought I would either." She exhaled breezily as her gaze remained locked on him.

   "My darling Blythe, I may have only known you for this short while, and within the midst of it I had found true love when I felt love never existed."

   Blythe's eyebrows twitched a tad together and her head tilted in curiosity of what he was trying to imply. "What are you trying to say?" Her curiosity questioned. At that moment, he took both her hands in his. She could feel her blood pulsate within her veins and her heart suddenly raced.

  "My dear Blythe, " He knelt down before her, steadying himself on one knee. 

   Good Jesus, this is not happening!  Damnit Blythe snap out of it!  Blythe's heart raced uncontrollably, and a blow to her mind made her realize how long she had been in captivity by the British. 

  "Will you do the honor of marrying me?"

She could feel her eyes almost spring out of her head that very moment, and just as her lips parted; quivering to even breathe a single vowel, a crescendoing boom crashed through the verdant vicinity. William arose upright within a matter of seconds and his eyes hardened in incredulity at the charcoaled smoke that clouded the distance. Blythe could feel her lips quiver in disbelief as William seized her wrist jerking her harshly back to where everybody stood aghast at the sight of the cargo ship now engulfed in the succeeding blaze. But without any hesitation, William yanked her back within the walls of the fort, constricting her numb wrist, until he released her as he barged into the bedroom.

  "What the bloody hell do you know of these ghosts." He interrogated, pointing directly at her. The iciness within his eyes had returned.

  Blythe stood aghast and her heart almost plunged to the pit of her stomach. "Are you honestly, no wait seriously presuming I had a role in their plot?" She could feel a gut wrenching knot within her stomach. "William how dare you even assume such."

  "Silence you impertinent child!" He grasped her shoulders jaggedly.The impassiveness reappeared as his glacial glare was fixed intently on her.

   "William, you are out of your mind! Need I remind you, you were the one who has held me captive in this hell of a fort for almost two or maybe even more goddamn weeks! Little did I know..." Her voice broke as she gathered herself together to complete her statement. "Little did I know, I would fall for such a heartless ass as yourself." She cried as she cupped his face within her hands, praying he would realize. "Why?" She sobbed.

 He glanced at her for a moment before he plucked her hands away from him in a vile bitterness. 

  "At this moment, I am unsure of what to even think." 

Before she knew it, he had stormed out, slamming the door behind him; leaving Blythe with her heart shattering into fragments. She fell to her knees clutching her chest, feeling a rippling pain intensify with each pained sob. Just then, Judith and James rushed in, helping her to her feet before she sprawled, writhing with an unbearable pang. James eased her atop the bed while Judith soothingly stroked her back, easing her labored breaths.

   "Now, now dear Blythe." Judith whipped out her thinned cloth, patting it against the tears that violently gushed down Blythe's face.

   "How could I have been so stupid?" Blythe wept.

   "My lady do not say such." James voiced.

   "I cannot believe it, how could I have been this blinded?" Blythe questioned herself covering her face in shame. Judith's arms enveloped around her comfortingly.

    "He is the one blinded, not you my dear."

  Blythe stood, freeing her hair of the sapphire crystals that adorned her hair, pondering in realization. She had no other choice. William and her were of two different worlds. Though she loved him, it was only fair she backed away and not be of interference to him or this war. She took down her hair, and turned to face Judith and Captain Wilkins who gave her the attention immediately. She swabbed away the tears off her cheeks.

    "Dear Blythe are you alright?" Judith questioned as she anxiously twiddled her fingers.

     Blythe nodded before turning her attention to the slate-eyed captain.

    "James," She spoke.

    "Yes my lady."

     "Who is responsible for these sudden raids and ambushes?" She inquired sternly.

     "My lady-"

     "Answer me!" 

     "Benjamin Martin..." James reluctantly responded.

      "Will you take me to him?"

      "Oh no!" Judith gasped. "Blythe please don't-" 

     "Judith, for William's sake, I must."

  Judith froze and her lips curled inward with the risk Blythe now took to heart.

    "My lady, if you elope, you understand you are in danger." James warned.

     "Bear with me James." She looked up to him. In doing so, his eyes darkened with and utter discomfort and he lowered his head as he stood upright, he sniveled a tad before he spoke.

    "We leave at dawn." He told her before exiting with an unseen somberness.

 Blythe turned to Judith in an indescribable despair. "Judith," Her voice broke before she caught herself weeping once more .

    "Do not cry my dear."

    "Was I wrong."

    "No dear, set him free." She whispered as her fingers calmly stroked through Blythe's auburn waves.

    "What do you mean set him free?"

    "Do you love him?"

 She nodded as she freed herself of the silken embrace of the gown, her eyes welled up once again. It was inevitable and undeniable.

   "Dear Blythe if you love him, set him free. If by any chance you both cross paths, it was surely meant to be." Judith advised as Blythe slumped into her arms. "In do time, my dear Blythe it will all be better." Her voice resonated as Blythe dozed off. Before she knew it, she would have to awaken to the faint dawning light.




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