Chapter 7: In Hiding

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Blythe dropped to her knees moments after the ruthless colonel stormed away after almost strangling her to her very death.

Judith barged in just moments later, helping her to her feet, seating her atop the bed, almost as if she knew what had occurred. She cautiously took hold of the bloodied rope and threw it atop the pile of Blythe's waitress clothing, and took the frightened teen in her arms.

"Judith I have to get out of here." Blythe wept. She could still feel his gloved hand encircling her neck after she blatantly told him off.

"Dear, do you even realize what could result if you even attempt such?" Judith cuffed her sleeve, wiping away Blythe's free-falling tears. "Tavington could have you hanged if he catches you."

She gulped, but was unconvinced, if it meant being dead now she would be willing to than to be constantly tormented.

"Judith, whatever it takes, I have to get out."

"Dear Blythe, do not say such."

"If I stay, Tavington could possibly even kill me in my sleep." Blythe cried apprehensively.

Judith looked down at her lap and she took Blythe's hand in hers reassuringly as she contemplated Blythe's words.

"Bring what ever you have with you, and you'll stay with me upstairs for the night." She arose sneaking a few matches off of the cherry wood desk nearby.

Blythe retrieved her cross-body purse leaving her waitress garb behind. She was stunned the Dragoons didn't even dare touch her purse.

"Blythe, what about your attire from earlier?" Judith held the collared dress up.

"Burn it."

Judith's hazel eyes bugged wide open. "Are you sure?"

Blythe turned back in resentment at the provocative diner wear, realizing how much she regretted working at that stupid diner to even begin with. Jeff deliberately made sure she had the skimpy uniform to emphasize her, thankfully another employee had given her the other uniform dresses that weren't as tight-fitted as the ones Jeff had given her. But if she knew how much of a sick psychotic boss Jeff was before, she would've left the diner as soon as she could. She stared down at the simple floral print of the dress she wore.

"I'm positive, burn it." She raced back to the pile to obtain the minimal padded bra which fit perfectly in her purse, and gestured to Judith to lead the way upstairs. With each step came an intensifying darkness, until as they reached a closed door the two were left in pitch blackness. Until Judith opened up to a large cot, enough to fit two people and a dimmed candlelight, now a stump of wax.

"It isn't much." Judith squeaked nervous of Blythe's opinion.

"It is just fine, it will do."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure, where else could I possibly go?"

"There are a few wooled sheets in the corner. Try to sleep peacefully dear Blythe." Judith's pallored hand was warm to the very touch as she gave Blythe's fair hand an assuring squeeze. "I'll be back dear. I have to attend to a few other things."


"Yes dear?"

"Was I wrong to tell him he does not know love?" Blythe questioned.

Judith stood silent for a moment but nodded horizontally. "No dear. You were brave." She pecked the parting of Blythe's auburn hair. "Do get some rest dear, and awake with me tomorrow morn."

Blythe nodded as Judith trotted back down the steps whilst she closed the door behind her with only a dying flame lighting the way. She slipped off the given slippers and sure enough felt her way to the cot filled with straw. Her body shuddered as she laid down, her purse clutched tightly  to her chest, and her knees drew into a fetal position, and she closed her eyes only to picture William Tavington's  ultramarine eyes of hostility gazing into hers and his sculpted prominent features were vivid in the 18-year old's mind. She could still feel the intensity of his breath on her neck as he pinned her to the wall as if she were nothing but a worm to his eyes. But she couldn't help but take into notice how he couldn't even glance in her eyes not even once. She could only wonder, why didn't he just strangle her then and there? Her hand glided gently over the faint touch of the hand that encircled her neck, as she drifted off.

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