Chapter 27- No Guarantees

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The faint footsteps suddenly ceased, as a familiar,willowy caress grazed gently across Blythe's pallid cheek. A single finger traced delicately over her lips, faintly stained with blood. She could only inhale euphorically as his touch lowered finely over the arch of her neck.

"My darling Blythe..." His mellowed accent softly susurrated with hands that encompassed around her neck; a frightening grip that worsened with each waiting second.

Instantly, her eyes flashed open to the apathetic ultramarine she feared would return to the eyes of her soldier...

"NO!" A violent shriek escaped Blythe's lips as she jolted awake, followed by the torrid tears that rushed down her cheeks. Her throat suddenly feeling parched from the uncontrollable hyperventilating that unsettled her core. 

He can't... He can't go back to his old ways! This can't be, I won't allow it!  Blythe thought. Please God, he can't.  Blythe heaved uncontrollably, as she took hold of auburn roots of her hair, her eyes clenched shut; unable to rid herself of the blood-curdling vision as she gazed up at the dreary darkness of the night sky.

Blythe arose from her cot, stepping out into the still blackness that filled the sky, with not a single soul to hear her cries, nor sense the pain she felt fearing William's reversion to the merciless colonel she shuddered to even think of.

"Why?" She wept. "Why is this happening?" She dropped to her knees as she flashed back upon the terrifying encounters she had to face the villainous uniform that consumed him in its pitiless wrath, committing such undeserving acts among the innocents. She wept as she began recollecting each moment he struck her, demoralized her, almost pushing her to plunge her life in the bottomless well.   Until, it dawned on her... his only outlet, was her. She was his escape from the past that haunted him, the guilt that consumed him... She was his hope.

Blythe quaked, petrified as she clutched her heart throbbing with the harrowing thought, knowing she was too late, her one fear had been realized, more than she could even fathom.

"William... Why..." Blythe trailed off as she laid atop the soil, feeling the gelid winds chill her spine as she curled into a fetal position, dreading  to shut her eyes, apprehending the outcome of the battle.

"Dear child," Reverend Oliver's voice shook a startled Blythe to alertness. All she could feel was the writhing pain that had controlled her abdomen as she gazed up at the caved in eyes of the Reverend.She cautiously arose as the prominence of her bones ached from the hardened soil and frigid winds that made her sore to her very core.
"What in dear Heavens are you thinking, slumbering in such a climate."

Blythe had brushed off the dirt from the side of her cheek, along with the stubborn leaves that clung to her canvas shirt. "My apologies Reverend, I had not intended to startle anybody. Do forgive me."

"You needn't apologize dear, there is more to worry about."

Her azure eyes grew transparent, almost clear as ocean waters as the rest of her body froze in terror, knowing she couldn't escape the fate of facing the ones who held her captive. Her heart throbbed as it sunk slowly,with the toppling weight she felt weighing down to the pit of her stomach.

"Janis." The Reverend called.

Blythe snapped out of her trans to face a puzzled Reverend.

"What troubles you?" He questioned.

"I always heard tomorrow is never to be guaranteed to any of us. Tomorrow has come, yet none of us can determine our fate for what lies ahead of this day." Blythe retorted as she draped her cape over the the crown of her head as she started off towards the many men nearby, retrieving their muskets, loading up on bullets in preparation, and continuing their crescendoing chatter as she slung a musket over her left shoulder. The knots of her stomach began to intertwine as Benjamin came out in his onyx coat with his musket in hand, approaching  the young teen.

  "Blythe, I want you to stay towards the back, if we are to be ambushed, God forbid, hide in the brush quickly."  He spoke briefly. 

 She only nodded as he made his way to the front of the gathering crowd signaling everybody at attention. A hand came over her shoulder as two single-filed lines formed, peering just a tad to see Gabriel behind her before making his way to the front with Benjamin as he lead the militia away from the campsite. Tears violently streamed down Blythe's face, wishing she could take back her heart-wrenching escape.

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