Chapter sixty one.

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Chapter sixty one.



It’s been two weeks since our date at the restaurant, honestly it showed a whole different side to Harry a side I don’t think many other people see. He’s been different since then it’s a good different don’t get me wrong but I just don’t understand why.

Maybe he really listened to me when I said he won’t get any more chances? I hope he did because he can’t keep fucking things up its too much drama for me to handle.

We’re going to dinner at Anne’s today, I haven’t seen much of Harry’s family lately, neither has Harry. I hope it isn’t awkward like it usually is.

We haven’t seen them since before we became an official couple so I guess the plus side is we don’t have to act like we’re together anymore it’s just natural.

Anne doesn’t know that we only just got together she still think we’ve been together since before we got ‘married’ and we don’t intend on telling her anytime soon as that’s bound to cause a massive drama.

It’s weird to think technically Harry and I are married because we don’t see it that way in our heads we’re just boyfriend and girlfriend. I don’t ever see it being any other way because well Harry has never been one for commitment so being my boyfriend is a big enough deal for him never mind being my husband.

Not that I want to be his wife, not right now any way we’re only young, it would be nice one day though I suppose, really being Mrs Styles maybe having children.

But I could never do both Harry doesn’t want kids EVER and he’s made that very clear whenever a child is near us he makes comments about how annoying they are and how he’ll never have kids.  I on the other hand would love children but that couldn’t happen while I’m with Harry.

Not that I want kid now, not until I’m older.

It’s strange really because I see myself being with Harry forever but I also see myself married with kids when both of these fantasy’s cannot happen together, its one or the other. Right now I choose Harry but I don’t know if that will always be my choice.

‘’Babe are you done in there I need a shit’’ Harry shouts from the other side of the bathroom door snapping me out of my thoughts about our relationship and future.

‘’Eww yeah on minute’’ I shout back disgusted as he just gave me far too much information.

I apply my lipstick and try to diminish all these thoughts out of my head as they’re begin to drive me insane.

‘’There you go’’ I giggle stepping out of the bathroom and allowing him in.

‘’Hurry though we’re meant to leave in 10 minutes’’ I shout as the door slams behind me.

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now