Chapter fifty seven.

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Chapter fifty seven.



I’ve decide to give Harry another chance because he was right I did say I’d put up with his mistakes because this is his first real relationship but I can’t keep doing this forever it has to stop soon otherwise I’ll be giving him a million second chances.

I can’t keep putting myself through the pain he causes me but the pain when he’s gone is a lot worse than this.

I can’t let him go but I can’t keep allowing him to hurt me and mess up again and again.

I have no idea how we’re going to last in the long run or if we’ll even last the rest of the year, I want to be with him forever.

Yes I know that sounds scary and a little bit psychotic considering we haven’t been properly together for even a month yet but I don’t care, I’ve wanted him since well I’m not sure exactly when it was that I properly fell for him but I finally admitted it to myself at the wedding which was 3 months ago now.

I can’t believe it’s been four months since I met Harry, since my world changed completely.

It’s actually been two weeks since Harry had that massive argument with Louis and went out for the entire night, since then we’ve been doing great barely any arguments and the ones we do have are other stupid little things that all couples fight over like what to have for dinner or Harry leaving dirty socks on the floor or god forbid he leave the toilet seat up.

I continue to warn him but he hasn’t learnt.

I’m on my way to meet Amy for lunch right now we are in desperate need of a girly catch up, I think I’m going to ask her for some advice about Harry and how long to keep forgiving him and what to do if he messes up again. I figured she’s the best to ask for advice as I don’t have a mother… well I do but she hasn’t bothered with me since I was six years old and I have no idea where in the world she lives not that care or want to talk to her anyways.

Obviously I can’t talk to Anne about this she still think we’ve been together since the start and are properly married when really we only see each other as boyfriend and girlfriend and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

In fact I doubt it ever will like can you imagine Harry actually wanting to marry for real, for me to actually be Mrs Styles?

Amy seems like the best option because she’s my best friend and her and Niall have been together for about 4 months and haven’t had any major problems whereas Harry and I have properly being together for just under 2 months and had about a million problems.

Ok I’m exaggerating a little but we’ve had more than our fair share of problems.


‘’Hey’’ Amy smiles as I take a seat opposite her at the table in the cute little Italian restaurant we’ve chosen.

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