Chapter fourteen.

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Chapter fourteen.






As I’m boarding the plane with Harry all I can think about is how much of a mess my life is right now, I was messed up enough already without Harry Styles walking in and making everything a hundred times worse.

None of this was Harry’s fault though, he didn’t want to marry me, this wasn’t his idea.

It also wasn’t Harry’s fault I had feelings for him, feelings I couldn’t act upon.

It wasn’t like I planned to feel this way, I’d be much happier hating him. Instead I have to pretend to hate him when actually I really like him.

The sooner I could get out of this marriage the better, it’s awful being stuck with someone who you want, but doesn’t want you. Yet still having to act like you are a couple.

All I want is to meet some amazing guy and forget all about Harry, I probably don’t even really like Harry anywhere near as much as I think I do.

I don’t even know the real Harry, we’re never alone so all I see is the act in front of family or drunk Harry with his friends.

This week alone with him in Italy is bound to put me off him, I’ll see his real annoying side that hates me.

We’re now sat in our seats on the plane waiting to take off, this is most probably going to be really long and awkward, I bed we don’t even speak.

I take out my iPod and play my music loudly, drowning out every sound around me. I intend to stay this way, avoiding any communication with Harry.

It seems I was wrong though a few short minutes later I’m interrupted by Harry poking my arm repetitively. It seems he isn’t going to stop until I speak to him, I sigh giving in as I switch my iPod off.

‘’What Harry?’’

‘’ I ummm just wanted to talk, I’m bored and well you’re meant to entertain me what with you being my wife and all’’ Harry chucked running his hand through his mop of curls whilst bringing his lip ring in-between his teeth as he awaits my response.

I wish he’d stop doing that he looks so God damn attractive.

‘’Well I’m quite happy entertaining myself’’ I reply referring to listening to music.

‘’ Oh I’m sure you are, dirty girl’’ Harry laughed wiggling his eyebrows at me.

‘’ Ewww no! Harry fuck off’’ I laughed how could he think I meant THAT!

‘’ Calm down babe, I’m just messing. Although if you do it’s so fucking hot’’

‘’No Harry, just no’’ I giggled slapping his arm playfully.

‘’ Fine well at least talk to me then’’ Harry pleads.

‘’ Go on then, what do you want to talk about?’’ I ask in defeat.

‘’ Well umm its kind of awkward but that kiss….’’ Harry began stuttering.

‘’ Yeah I know it was all for show, I’m not stupid’’ I interrupted him.

‘’ errr Yeah’’ Harry smiled weakly nodding at me.

‘’So now that’s done, can I go back to my music?’’

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now