Chapter six.

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Chapter six.




When I woke up the next morning I had four new texts the first was from Amy:


Are you okay? I can’t believe what happened with Zayn. They all seemed so nice, well Louis and Niall still do.

Niall is so sweet he took me home last night and everything I really like him Em. Do you think he likes me too?

Amy xxxxx

 I sent a qick reply assuring her I was fine and that I was happy about Niall and was sure he would like her too. I had to fake interest in the situation because I honestly couldn’t care less I had far too much on my mind right now.

The next text was from Louis,

Hi Emma,

I hope you’re okay after what happened last night. I don’t understand it’s not like Zayn at all!

Harry was so angry though, I haven’t seen him like that in a long time.

We should meet up sometime considering you’re going to be my best friend in-law ;)

Love Lou xxx

Aww how sweet of him to check up on me like that I assured him also that I was completely fine. I also asked what he meant by Harrys anger? I made a little joke about the ‘best friend in-law’ thing, honestly I could see me a Louis becoming good friends we got on so well.

The third text was from Zayn, err what?

Hi Emma,

I just wanted to say how sorry I was about last night. I’m so so sorry I can’t believe what I did!

I’m so embarrassed and ashamed about it all, it wouldn’t be ok even if you weren’t with Harry.

I’m so sorry

Zayn x

I told him I was fine, I haven’t forgiven him but what’s done is done. I also assured him nothing was going on between me and Harry so it makes no difference.

The final text was from no other than Harry himself.

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