Chapter thirty two.

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Chapter thirty two.




Its 11PM now and I’m still laid here wide awake, I’m tried but I just can’t fall asleep.

I can hear the faint sound of the TV, Harry must be watching it.

I just keep tossing and turning no matter what I do, I can’t fall asleep.

All I want is Harry, I hate that I feel like this it’s so pathetic.

I mean nothing to him but he seems to be everything to me.

Since knowing Harry, not meeting him properly knowing him, which I’d say was our ‘honeymoon’ that’s when we really got to know each other, since then I’ve felt a lot better.

I haven’t hated myself as much, I haven’t cut, and I’ve had a lot of good days.

I haven’t slipped up yet but I can feel it, I can feel everything going back to how it was.

Knowing Harry is in the over room is torture. All I want is to climb out of bed and go cuddle up on the sofa.

Listen to his rubbish jokes and boring stories. Anything I don’t care what I do with him I just want to be with him.

The bed feels so empty I hate it, I’ve only slept in this bed alone once, the first night we moved in.

I hated it that was the night before everything changed. The night before Harry and I slept together.

It’s not even the sex that I miss, well of course I miss the sex its incredible, but what I miss the most is the closeness the comfort Harry brings me.

I hear the TV being switched off, Harry must be going to sleep now too.

 Although I doubt I’ll get any sleep at all tonight…


Emma left to go to bed hours ago, she left the second Louis went home.

I expected her to but I still hoped we’d at least talk, maybe I could explain myself better.

Who am I kidding? No I couldn’t I don’t know what to say because I fucked up, I still want her.

I’m only doing this because I don’t want to hurt Emma anymore, I’m hurting myself right now but that’s better than hurting Emma.

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