Chapter sixteen.

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Chapter sixteen.





As Harry and I walked out towards the pool I replayed the recent events, it was really kind of Harry to comfort me when I was upset. Especially considering he hates me!

This was the side of Harry I liked the kind caring side. His other side wasn’t really too bad either, he’s never intentionally nasty to me it’s always more of a joke. I think this is one of the reasons I’m begging to like Harry because everyone makes out like he’s not a nice person and I won’t like what I find out about him but so far I haven’t found anything awful at all, he just seems misunderstood.

It’s funny really I don’t hate Harry, I always said I did but I don’t think I ever really hated him. Before I even met him or knew his name I had it set in my mind that we wouldn’t get on, that he’d be horrible and that I hated him. When really none of that was true no matter how hard I’d tried to convince myself. I like Harry, as a friend though obviously.

Well at least I think that’s all it is.

‘’Where do you want to sit?’’ Harry asked interrupting my train of thought.

‘’ Oh umm anywhere really’’ I stuttered bringing myself back to reality.

‘’ Really? Okay what about here?’’ Harry asked laughing as he sat down right in the corner out of the sunlight.

  ‘’ Very funny! Obviously in the sun’’ I giggled grabbing his hand pulling him back on to his feet.

‘’But you said anywhere’’ Harry pouted still chuckling to himself.

This time I chose where we sat, once we’d laid our towels out and stuff I sat back placing my sunglasses on and relaxed.

Not for long though…

‘’Let’s go swimming’’ Harry practically screamed acting like a little kid, I think this was meant to be a joke but I could tell a tiny part of him was serious and he really was excited.

‘’I don’t know, I’m nervous’’ I told Harry quietly as I was embarrassed and people were already looking due to Harrys screaming.

‘’It will be fine honestly Em, I promise’’ Harry said calmly now as he sat on the end of my sun lounger staring at me silently awaiting my response.

‘’Ok…don’t leave me on my own though I’m nervous enough already’’ I said standing up.

‘’ I won’t, no one’s going to notice. If people are looking at you they’re going to be looking at your massive tits! Not your legs’’ Harry chuckled blushing slightly.

‘’ Shut up! Prev!’’ I giggled punching his arm.

‘’Come on then, hurry up!’’ Harry screamed again, jumping up and down. Clearly his excitement was back.

I quickly stood up and pulled off my skirt and top not giving myself enough time to panic and rethink the situation.

‘’Amazing babe’’ Harry said a wide smile spreading across his face as he looked me up and down. I noticed him look at my scars, I didn’t expect him not too really. He didn’t look for long just quickly he then looked up and smiled at me this time a kind smile as he squeezed my hand.

‘’Are they really noticeable?’’ I asked.

‘’ No, you look great Em.’’ He smiled pulling me towards the pool.

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