Picture and Info on Tallysynn McCann

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Hewo There, you are sow beutifuw!

My name is Tawwy and im three! I have a mommy and a Daddy and a Brofer named Towby.

My faveowite thing in the whole wide world ish my mommy and my teddy bear my mommy said daddy got me when i was born.

My favowite color is blue. My mommy says thats ther faveowit color too!

My best fwiend ish my fwiend Molly who comes tow see me alot

dow i hawve a crush? YESH I DOW! hes my mommy's fwiend Nick. He LOVES tow play wif my Barbies. He likes Ken more than Barbie. But i love him sow much

I gotta go so i wuv yuh and youh arwe beutifuw!

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