Chapter 11 + End

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Jared and Emma sat next to each other on the sofa in the back room, awkward silence surrounded them. Emma’s casual sniff broke the silence as she sat crossed legged with her shaking hands on her lap, Jared remained in a normal sitting position. His hands were clasped together and he was hunched over slightly. He was looking down at the floor as whenever he seemed to glance at Emma she would burst into tears. She had told him about her side of the story, about how she was driving over to sort out the album, about how the roads were extremely icy that morning, and how when she hit the brakes she was too late.

“You hit my windscreen and I screamed, was horrible...” she stammered as she spoke, “I-I didn’t know it was you in till I got out and saw...oh my god it was so horrible!” she burst into tears and the best Jared could do was rub her back slowly. He didn’t dare talk; he continued to stare at his feet. He couldn’t describe the emotion he was feeling, Sadness? Anger? Sympathy? Or did he even feel an emotion at all.

He felt empty.

“I’m so sorry...I’m so sorry...” She muttered repetitively, her hands had now wrapped around her stomach like she was protecting herself or comforting herself. Jared really wanted to wrap his own arms around her yet he knew it would just make the situation worse. He unclasped his hands and placed them on his knees. His fingers tapped melodically against his knee cap as he tried to think of something to say.

He was indeed speechless.

“It...It’s not your fault...” he managed, his tapping ceased. He sounded pathetic.

“B-but it is! I...I hit you!” she burst into tears again; the little anger in her voice was covered up by her sobs.

“I know but...but I should have been looking where I was going...I wasn’t paying accident was my own fault...”

Emma didn’t respond, she just continued to cry.

Jared now knew the emotion he felt, it was guilt. Emma was breaking down because of him, she didn’t hit him.

He cycled into her.

His hands gripped onto his knees and stood up, excusing himself with the excuse that he was thirsty although he had drunk a full glass of water a matter of minutes ago.

Yet she nods to let him go.

He swiftly left the room, shutting the door lightly behind him so it was still open a jar. He then walked into the kitchen area and sat at the breakfast bar; he crossed his arms and placed them on the surface.

His head soon followed.

A long sigh escaped his lips. He thought he was done with this, he thought it was finally over yet like always it comes back to bite, and it bites hard. His head rolled to one side to look at the door leading to the back room, he blinked slowly wondering if Emma had stopped crying when he left the room, it was extremely unlikely. The guilt grew in the pit of his stomach as he sat up straight again, he then slid off his chair and approached the sink, he grabbed a glass and filled it half way at least to make it look like he drunk something. As he turned to go and return to Emma he caught a glimpse of his brothers back. He and Tomo had gone outside so that Jared and Emma could have a private conversation, they were out the front and they seemed to just be chatting. Shannon’s back was to Jared yet he could see Tomo’s face, their eyes met for a millisecond and Tomo shot him a quick concerned look before replacing it with a smile as he continued to converse with Shannon. Another sigh left his mouth as he re-entered the back room.

Emma remained crossed legged; it was like she hadn’t moved a muscle since he left. Although there was one difference, in her hands was a small black book. It looked painfully familiar.

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