Chapter Nine

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From that day whenever Shannon went out Jared would practise the guitar to Vox Populi. He had it all planned in his head, he was going prove his brother wrong at get his best friend back. He got better and better every day and every time he got better he would remember something like a music note or a chord like he had known it all along but he just couldn’t put his finger on it. He even started to sing the lyrics while he played. This made him happier yet he never showed any of his new found happiness to his brother.

As the weeks went on Shannon continued to worry about Jared, he was showing minor improvements but overall it was like he wasn’t improving at all, he had just stopped improving.

This started to annoy Shannon; Jared had come so far since the accident yet after Tomo left it just seemed he had just given up. He didn’t want this; he wanted his brother to be back to full health before he told him about the future of the band.

He started to take matters into his own hands.

Jared had spent enough time inside the bus and he needed to get outside. He started by persuading him to go outside which soon turned to asking then demanding as Jared continued to refuse, it even got to the point where Shannon locked him in the storage closet like some sort of punishment in till he bucked his ideas up, little did he know that Jared was sitting in there working out how to use the amps.

This punishment soon subsided as Shannon felt bad for locking his brother in a closet, he had also hoped that Jared had learnt his lesson yet seconds after he had let his younger brother out he was acting like he was never in there. This then led to Shannon grabbing him by the shoulder, stuffing a couple of dollars into his hand and pushing him out of the front door shouting, “Buy a coffee and socialise!” only to find him minutes later staring at the top of the bus, Shannon had given up then and there not knowing that Jared was looking for a way to get himself and a range of musical equipment onto the roof of the bus.

That night, Jared waited for when Shannon was fast asleep and sprung into action. He crept out of his bunk quietly, he had gone to bed early so his brother wouldn’t notice he was went to bed fully clothed. He slowly and silently exited the bunk room closing the door behind him without him.

Go time.

He first went the living room at the front of the bus to open a window ever so silently before heading to the closet at the back of the bus. He took the microphone and its stand first seeming as they were the lightest; he carried them slowly down the hallway past the bunk room making sure that the long stand didn’t hit the walls so it didn’t make a sound. When he reached the newly open window he placed the microphone quietly onto a nearby table before putting the stand through the window shortly followed by himself. He hung onto the top of the window frame and placed his feet onto the bottom. Then he swung the stand onto the roof hearing it land safely with a small thud. He leant back into the bus quickly to grab the microphone he had left on the table before following the stand onto the roof. On the roof, he picked up the stand and placed it about centre; he then clipped the microphone into the holder on the top with ease. He went to go back inside yet the stars distracted him. They looked like a thousand diamonds on a piece of black silk. He looked at them with awe, he didn’t have to time to truly appreciate the outdoors since his accident and his ‘not going outside’ strike. Getting back onto the task in hand, Jared returned indoors through the window and quietly jogged back to the closet to fetch the next item, the electric guitar. He picked up a white one which was an odd shape and had a griffin on it, he didn’t know why but he felt drawn to that one guitar and an identical black one. He then got the guitar onto the roof using the same process he did with the microphone and its stand, successful not waking Shannon up. The last piece of equipment to go up was the amp, Jared didn’t expect for the amp to as heavy as it was and struggled to lug it along the hallway quietly let alone get it through the window. But getting it onto the roof itself was the hardest task of them all, it took him many attempts for him to get a good enough swing for it to make it onto the roof and yet when it finally landed on the roof a large thud followed.

Jared held his breath as he listened for a response from his sleeping brother.


Jared sighed with relief as he followed the amp onto the roof. He put it into its place yet felt like something was missing. It only took him a matter of seconds to find out.

The Wires.

He got of the roof with speed and with out a sound as he fetched the wires. He placed his ear lightly on the door frame of the bunk room just to double check he hadn’t woken his brother up with the amp.

He only heard deep snores.

Scrabbling back onto the roof he attached the microphone and guitar onto the amp before bringing the amp wire through the window and into the closest plug socket which was luckily just under the window frame. He then went onto the roof one finally time to check everything was set up and smile at his creation.

As he snuck back into the bus he closed the window just enough so that the wires remained and he closed the curtains so that they were hidden. He knew Shannon wouldn’t reopen them; he never opens the curtains as he knows he would just close them again.

Then finally, as quiet as a mouse he returned back to bed.

“He’ll never know what got to him...” Jared thought as he drifted off to a light sleep.

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