Chapter Four

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"What do you mean his in suitable condition!? His has Amnesia for God sake!"

Shannon shouted angrily into the phone as he paced up and down. When Shannon took Jared back to the tour bus they were met by Tomo who was there in case Jared had ran back to the bus. Moments after they had arrived the phone rang, after Tomo picked it up he found out it was their record label and they were asking to speak to Jared, "Their asking why This is War hasn't been finished or worked on..."

"Don't they watch the news!?" Shannon exclaimed before taking the phone off him and shouting into the phone itself.
"How can he work on a record he doesn't remember!?" he continued to shout.
Jared sat the couch in the front living room as quiet as a mouse. He was still pale and he just stared ahead into nothing. He didn't even acknowledge his brother pacing in the space next to him.
"You want to speak to him!?" Shannon's tone suddenly turned sarcastic, "Ok then, you can speak to him!" he approached his younger brother, "Jared!" he shouted before shoving the phone in front of his face, "The record company wants to talk to you!"
Jared jolted with surprise as he broke out of his trance, noticing the phone in his face he took it off Shannon and slowly placed it to his ear, "...hello?" he spoke quietly,
"Mr Leto, can you explain to me why you haven't worked on your album, This is War for at least a month now"
Jared blinked slowly,
"Excuse me..." he tried to sound formal,
"This is War"
Jared blinked again,
"This is what?"
Before the record company could reply Shannon grabbed the phone back from his brother,
"Now you can see his not in a suitable condition!" he started to shout again,
Jared watched him now as his anger returned,
"What do you mean that was a miss understanding!? He doesn't have a clue who you are!"

As Shannon continued his shouting, Jared started to feel queasy; he closed his eyes hoping the feeling would go away yet the horrific image of the car crash shot before him making his eyes flash open. He thought he was starting to feel dizzy in till the voices started in his head,

"This is War"

The name that the person on the phone mentioned rung in his head yet it was not in that person's voice but instead there was many, thousands, and they sounded like they were chanting.

"This is War,
This is War..."

His surroundings went still and silent, the only sound he could hear was the voices in his head, they got louder,

"This is War!,
This is War!,
This is War!"


Jared shouted at the top of his voice as his screwed his eyes shut and shoved his hands over his ears.
The voices stopped,
Jared reopened his eyes slowly and then looked up to find his brother staring down at him with pure shock.
Suddenly tears appeared in Jared's eye as he jumped up from the sofa and ran to the back of the bus, pushing past a confused Tomo in the process.
"Jared!" Shannon called yet there was no answer, seconds later he heard a sound of a slamming door.


Jared remained silent; his cheeks were damp from his tears as he stared at the door. He had locked himself in the bedroom and hour ago and he had stayed in there since. He sat tense on the edge of the bottom bunk on a set of beds. He sighed as he placed his head in his hands.

The door knocked again.

“Jared...” Shannon repeated. He leant against the bedroom door; his ear was against the wood as he listened out for a response. Yet none came. He sighed.

“ can’t stay in there forever”

Saying this reminded Shannon of when they were younger, it reminded him of the times when Jared would lock himself in his room and Shannon would say “You can’t say in there forever” and Jared would reply something like “Yes I can!” yet minutes later he would come out and apologise. Shannon would then give his little brother a hug.

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