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A shadow loomed over the cowering vampire, and while darkness was usually welcomed by of all of this creature's kind, this was something entirely different.

"I know you know where the secret is hidden. Don't lie to me again or there will be consequences," A deep voice said from the shadow. One could tell that it's patience was wearing thin, and that it was getting more and more agitated with the young vampire.

"H-he's dead! The hunter that left it- he's dead! I don't know exactly where it is but-" The vampire stopped mid sentence, not sure if he should continue. The creature from the shadows growled slightly.

"But what?" It pressed. The vampire looked around once more, searching for an exit. But he was cornered- literally. The young vamp's eyes glanced down.

"I know the town," He admitted. Despite the darkness the vampire could have sworn he saw a grin spread across the creature's face.

There was no way out of this. The young vamp knew this creature would torture him endlessly until he gave up the information. So he did give it up. He gave up the information in the hopes of being released, but the glint of a machete being unsheathed told him otherwise.

"Thank you for your cooperation," The creature said, kicking the head of the unfortunate vampire away from it's vicinity. "And now, the real fun begins."

Sam x Reader: Stay AwhileWhere stories live. Discover now