Mutiny Most Foul

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well here you are, my lovelies! another chapter! I told you I would update it today!

E N J O Y !

Mutiny Most Foul

On the deck of the HMS Providence, Barbossa approached Gillette and Groves, his two commanding officers.

“Orders, sir!” said Groves, standing at attention.

“I require a heading,” said Barbossa. “I’ll have my navigator to the helm.”

“Aye, sir!” said Groves, saluting.

“Well, smart now!” said Barbossa, waving them off.

Gillette and Groves glanced at each other, then marched off to find Gibbs.

Barbossa returned to the helm of the ship, and it was not long before Gillette and Groves returned, escorting Gibbs between them.

“Ah, Master Gibbs, short we are a map, perhaps you be so kind as to provide us a heading,” said Barbossa.

Gibbs walked over to the map on the table and looked at it, but he quickly turned back to Barbossa and said, “Be a gem, and pour me a gulper?”

“Nay!” said Barbossa. “We be privateers, not pirates, Master Gibbs, and in the King's name, will behave as such.”

“Aye… Captain,” Gibbs said, returning his attention to the map.

Barbossa waited for a moment, but he soon became impatient.

“Be we on the proper course, Gibbs?”

Barbossa was beginning to doubt that Gibbs had really memorized the charts like he said.

However, Gibbs surprised him by saying, “Aye.”

Then, pointing towards the horizon, Gibbs continued, “There’s your proof.”

Barbossa, Gillette, and Groves all looked in the direction Gibbs was pointing and Barbossa walked out to the railing to investigate. Beside him, Groves pulled out a spyglass and peered through it.

“The Spaniard,” Barbossa growled, seeing the three galleons sailing in the distance, coming closer every moment.

Barbossa turned around to alert the crew, yelling, “All hands! Battle stations! Get to windward! Harden up two points!”

“Two points!” Gillette relayed the orders. “Cast loose the cannons!”

The sailors all scrambled to get to their positions.

“Gunners, take posts!” Barbossa ordered, and the order was quickly carried out.

As soon as everyone was in position, he called, “Await orders!”

Barbossa returned to watching the approaching Spaniard. He thought it strange that they were not rushing to their battle stations.

“Steady!” Gillette ordered.

“Guns armed, awaiting orders, sir,” said Groves.

Barbossa grabbed the spyglass and gazed through it at the passing Spaniard.

“Sir. Orders…? Sir?” asked Groves after a minute had gone by and Barbossa didn’t speak.

Barbossa continued to watch until the Spaniards had sailed by, and then closed his spyglass with a sharp snap.

“He never so much as turned his head,” said Gibbs, from beside Barbossa.

Barbossa returned the glass to Groves, shaking his head.

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