chapter fifteen

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a/n: hiii, i'm here to finally update :D this is much longer than the last chapter, and sorta a filler, sorry! i will hopefully update again later this week :-) this chapter is dedicated to @MusicLove_ bc her comment on chapter thirteen was literally so sweet. i'd like to also give a shoutout to @handwrittens who made this really cute winter-christmas looking sort of cover! :D anyway, i hope you like this chapter! please vote & comment if you do! the song at the side is "say something" but alex & sierra's cover because I LOVE THEM.

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‘Day 9 of Not Loving Harry Styles,’ Lily mentally recorded as she nestled herself further into the backseat of One Direction’s Jeep. ‘So I don’t love him and haven’t loved him for nine days . . . there’s got to be some sort of trophy for this. It’ll probably have some sort of plaque thing on it that says, “Wow, you don’t love Harry Styles! You’re probably the only one on this Earth! So hipster!”’

Laughter escaped Lily’s throat and of course, the boys finally came back into the car as Lily sat there alone, laughing by herself.

“You okay there, Lil?” Liam asked, his right eyebrow quirking up.

Lily smiled and laughed, embarrassed. “Just fine.”

“If you say so,” Liam replied, laughing at her strange actions. The boys began to pile into the car, Louis taking his usual spot in the passenger seat next to Liam, who was driving, Niall and Zayn sitting in the second row of seats, and Harry sitting next to Lily in the last row of seats.

Everyone cheered as Liam began driving. They were excited as they were driving to Cheshire to visit Harry’s family, which was always a fun experience. They went every summer and loved it. Harry’s family members were hilarious and kind. The boys loved spending time in a normal, family-esq environment. It made them forget about the fame that annoyed them so dearly sometimes.

They’d planned taking this specific week to go to see Harry’s family. Everything was planned: they picked up Lily and then drove back to the building their management was currently working in to get a few things sorted before they went on this trip. Then they came back to the car to find Lily laughing like a clinically insane person—the second part of that sentence actually wasn’t planned, actually.

“I’m so excited to go to Cheshire!” Niall exclaimed, grinning widely at everyone. “I love it there; your family’s a riot, Harry. Can’t wait to see ‘em all.”

Harry chuckled. “Niall, calm down. You seem more excited to see my family than I am.”

“He probably is,” Louis snorted, shaking his head as he turned around to look at Niall, who was rolling his eyes.

“I love the Styles family and I’m not ashamed to say so!” he proclaimed, raising his fist in the air. Next to him, Zayn was laughing very loudly. The rest of the inhabitants of the Jeep joined in and soon everyone was singing along to the song of laughter.

The laughter died down and Lily into her side of the Jeep a little more. Her eyes flicked over to Harry, who was doing something on his phone. After a few seconds she looked away because you’re not supposed to look at your best friend who you don’t love for longer than that. She swallowed a gulp of air and forced herself to stare out the window and focus on the clouds that looked like cotton candy. The clouds were pretty—not as pretty as Harry Styles though.

Lily’s ran her fingers along the wall of the car, thinking about the feeling of it. It was rough and bumpy, like her relationship with Harry usually was. Her fingers now reached the metal door handle, which was smooth and cool, like her relationship with Harry was right now. She wanted her relationship to stay like that. It was at that moment that she decided to use the door handle as a metaphoric reminder whenever she thought of Harry in a way she shouldn’t; it’d be a sort of pinch.

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