Chapter 21 : Why are you saying goodbye?

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A few weeks ago..

Eunha P.O.V

The members and Jungkook were too busy in this month. We barely meet at the house, and I didn't get a chance to see Jungkook either, at all. Their schedules were packed with practices, music shows, fansigns all over the Korea and interviews. If only I got my phone, it will be easy for me to stay in touch with him. I miss him..

Fortunately, me myself with my fellow domgsaengs were also busy with our upcoming debut which is next year and a few months left for practices. It did helped me forgetting about Jungkook and us for a while and focus with myself. But the thing that messing with my mind now is we haven't recorded our own songs for our mini album yet.

The thought of Umji saying that there were three more members still playing in my head. Who are them? When are we going to meet as a group? This is totally make me nervous and worried, but SinB had told me before, "Let PD-nim arrange it all, unnie. Don't worry," which kinda lifted a little bit of burden from my shoulders.

"Unnie! The van!" Umji called and pointed the van outside the house. The routine of our everyday life has started again. Practice, practice and practice..

The three of us walked towards the van and bowed politely to our manager. "Hi, girls," our manager smiled and greeted us.

I wasn't going to judge this pitiful man but honestly, he was totally different from the man who had helped me move into the house. He looked so sick, his eyebags were totally not a joke.

I took a seat beside him and the van was strongly smelled with cigarettes' smoke and alcohol. I was totally in discomfort with those smells, but I just kept on silent as he drove us to the building.


"Thank you, manager-nim," we bowed at the same time at him before we started to walked in. I glanced for a sec at him before joining the others, and I don't even know if it just my illusion but did I just saw him crying? I saw he wiping his tears off before he hit the gas and drove the van away. Maybe you were just seeing things, Eunbi. Was I?

Then I heard SinB called me, "Unnie? Are you coming?" I realized from my own monolog, immediately walked quickly into the studio.


There were no days without having me and the two girls drenched with sweats. Same things are happening to me now like the way I watched the BTS practiced for their showcase, sweating to perform the best performances for their fans.

Speaking about the members, of course I missed Jungkook, but I do missed the others too. I missed Jin oppa's naggings, Suga's drunk voice, Namjoon's dying truck snores, Hobie's screamings, V's nonsense jokes and Jimin's eyesmiles. And I missed Jungkook's voice, his touch and scent so dearly.

He haven't called me for three weeks now, and I'm craving to hear his voice. I do understand with him not being able to contact me. Well, their manager, Mr. Sejin kinda suspected there is something between me and Jungkook because he caught Jungkook kissed my hand other day. He was giving his healing kisses on the little burnts on my hand. I guessed healing kiss is kinda our thing, now eh?

But the only thing I can do was just listening to his and the members voices through their own songs with my MP3 player.

"Unnie? Come now," Umji poking her index finger on my cheek, telling me that Mr. Son was asking for us to gather in a circle at the centre of the studio.

"Okay, girls. I'm giving you rest for a week starting tomorrow since you guys were practicing so hard and I can see Eunha is improving so well," he said proudly and the girls were clapping for me, making my cheeks started to blush.

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