Chapter 6 : He smiled at me.

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Eunha's P.O.V

"Sorry.. Sorry if my words hurt you. I didn't mean it. And thank you for the skewers, I appreciate that," He breathed out in relief.

Somehow, hearing that all, coming out from his lips makes me smile. "Apology accepted," I whispered behind him.

He surprised when he heard that, "I thought you were sleeping."

"Nah, I was already up since you gripped my thighs too hard. Put me down," I patted his shoulder.

"You're the one who was too heavy," he bend his knees to get me down from his back.

I looked at the my thigh, the skin turns a bit red pinkish because of his grip. Noticing a pair of eyes watching me checking my thigh, "Look at this. Urghh, it's hurts you know."

"Oh yes, I'm will taking a nice long, look at it, if you don't mind?" He smirked.

Blushed, I quickly get into the van. "You pervert!"

"Hey, you're the one who asked me to take a look at it," he laughed,"Hey, I'm joking."

"Whatever," I glared at him.

He walks and gets himself into the van, sitting right beside me. "Uhm, hey. Sorry, okay?" He stared at me, saying sorry with that puppy eyes.

"You ain't gonna stop saying sorry till I forgive you, right?"

"Ohh, you got me!" He raised his both arms up, chuckled.

"I will forgive you, only if you would teach me the steps you did earlier during Jin oppa's part," I pulled my scrunchies, letting my hair loosen all over my shoulders.

"Sure." He nodded.

"You know, people can't see your cuteness when your hair covered half of your face like that. I do really like you with that ponytail," he bit his lip.

"You do really like me?" I teased, I know he doesn't mean it that way.

He choked his own spit. "Ah, err I mean, I like to see you with your hair tied like a ponytail," he explained.

I laughed at him when he seems to be lost with his words. "You mean like this?" I tied my hair like a ponytail again.

"Yepp," he popped the 'p' word, smiling at me.

That smile tho. You really looked like him.. Urgh, why everything about you reminds me of that boy, Jungkook? You can't be possibly him, right?

I startled when his phone rings, "Oh, hyung? Yes, I'm in the van. Yeah, with her. Oh, it's okay hyung. Yes, of course." I can't hear a lot since he turned his back from me.

"Hey, I guess we have to wait a little longer. PD-nim wants to see all of the members but Jin hyung asked me to stay here with you," he said, turning towards me.

At that time, I was tying my hair into a messy bun since I'm starting to get hot waiting inside the van.

"Oh, it's okay. I'll wait here. Go, join them. Maybe there are important things you need to know," I replied, looking back at him.

"No, I don't want to," he shook his head, his eyes on me.

"Whatever," I sighed.

I'm kinda feeling uncomfortable staying with him alone in that van because I can feel he was keep on looking me when I looked at my phone, but when I turned my head, looking back at him, he turns away.

"Is there something on my hair or my face? Because I noticed it okay?"

"What? Noticed? What did you noticed?" He spat.

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