Chapter 8

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ugh ok I know i forgot to upload a chapter yesterday! sorry! guess it's not gonna be an everyday thing, and i'm nearing the end of this story so it probably won't be as long as I'd thought it would be, but i hope you guys have enjoyed it! here's the next chapter

“Great, how are we supposed to get on the other side now?” I ask.

“Maybe we can break the window?” Rydel suggests.

I bang my head on the window.

“It's shatter proof you lug nut!” I exclaim.

Riker sighs.

“Ok, there has to be a way out of here, maybe we should try picking the lock.” He suggests.

“Right, cuz that worked SO well the last time.” I reply sarcastically as I dig Laura’s bobby pin out of the front pocket of the backpack, Riker sets the flashlight on the desk, facing it towards the door.

I hand him the pin and he digs around in the lock.

It opens.

“badda bing badda boom.” Riker exclaims.

“Show off.” I mumble under my breath as we all head back out into the hallway.

“Well now what?” I ask.

“There's got to be another door around her SOMEWHER.” Rydel replies.

“It's most likely going to be around the same area as the door we just came out of.” Ratliff replies.

“Well lemme see the map.” Rydel replies, holding out her hands.

I roll my eyes handing her the book.

“It's just down this hallway a bit!” she exclaims, running down the hallway without another explanation.

“Hey wait!” Riker calls after her, limping down the hallway.

When we finally reach the door she was standing at.

“Well go on then!” I exclaim.

She gives the door a firm tug, and then pushes on it, but it doesn't budge.

“This figures.” I say glumly.

I bang on the door.

“Laura, are you in there?” I ask.

“Ross! You have no idea how relieved I am to hear your voice!” she exclaims.

I blush slightly.

“The door is stuck but we're gonna find a way to get you out of there.” I reply.

“O-ok!” she exclaims.

“Guys, what are we going to do?” I ask.

“W-well, maybe we should try picking the lock?” Rocky suggests.

“Is that your guys' idea for everything?” I ask.

There's a slight pause.

I sigh.

“oh OK!” I exclaim.

I get down on my knees so I’m level with the lock, I move the pin around inside the lock, twisting and turning the doorknob.


“Great, what now?” I ask.

“Maybe we can bust it down.” Rocky suggests.

“Where are we going to find something to bust it down with?” I ask.

“Well...ok he has a point.” Ratliff replies.

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