Never disturb a womans sleep

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Bens pov
I'll tell you wen to start the video.

When I woke up (y/n)'s head was on my chest with her arm on the top of my stomach. My arm was wrapped around her and was trapped under her. I layed there for not even like one minute relaxing when Jeff ran into my room slamming the door. I jumped out of the bed and hit the floor hard while (y/n) grabbed a pillow and threw angrily.

"Jeff! What the hell?!" I yelled at Jeff who was against the door with an actual smile. "Sorry Ben but LJ isn't happy with me right now." Jeff said looking at me *bang bang bang* "Jeff open this door up right now!" LJ yelled as he kept hitting the door. "Shhh! (Y/n) is sleeping!" I whispered/yelled. "She is sleeping like a rock!" Jeff yelled and got off the door to point at (y/n).

LJ busted in making a loud thud making the room king of shake. (I'm not saying he's fat, he just came down with the door) "Ack! LJ get off of me!" Jeff said half smashed under the door and LJ. "Hey Jeff if your so angry then why are you still smiling?" I snickered. Jeff grabbed the pillow (y/n) threw and threw it at me. (Pic above but I changed something)

Jeff missed due to LJ moving and instead of hitting me he hit (y/n) 'someone has a death wish. We all know not to wake up a girl like that.' I thought and smiled because right after (y/n) shot up from the bed glitching like crazy. "ALL RIGHT WHO THREW THAT?!" (Y/n) yelled. I was quicker than LJ so I pointed at the both of them.

"What?!" LJ said shocked "I didn't throw that!" Jeff yelled a little to inoccently "I wasn't the one who started this!" LJ said "Yes you did!" Jeff said "Nuhuh!" LJ said "I DONT GIVE A DAMN WHO STARTED THIS! YOU BOTH- AAAHHH!" (Y/n) yelled and then split. "Fun time!" All four said in unison and chased LJ and Jeff out the door. "Aaahhh!" Both said as they ran.

"Heheheh. You both deserve what your getting." I said as I got up "Damn I have to fix my room now!" I said shaking my head and walking out of my room. 'Ill fix it after breakfast.' I thought ad I walked down the hall. "Crash. Bang, Bang! Thud!!" (Noises that were heard from down stairs) "What the hell?!" I said as u ran down the stairs.

When I looked around I saw that the living room was a mess. Pillows had holes in them from gun shots ! 'What happened down here?!' I thought '(Y/n) happened, why is she so angry?!' Slender 'said as he walked up to me with a scratch on his cheek that was leaking black oze. "LJ and Jeff they-" "Bang Bang! Thud" I ran twords the kitchen and saw Masky and Toby hugging eachother.

Hoodie was hiding behind the wall next to the fridge, EJ peeping out of a cabinet, Saney and Loco smileing and pointing a gun at... (my eyes followed her gaze) Jeff and LJ! Where S.B and Mani are holding up the two boys that are tied up. "Hey, hey, hey! Let's calm down okay!" I said inching closer to LJ and Jeff. "Ben!" All four said shocked.

"Its okay." I said trying to reasure them. S.B and Mani dropped what they had in their hands then backed away and turned into ashes. Loco and Saney grabbed some of S.B's and Mani's ashes and blew into them. (Blinding all of us) When the room cleared
(Y/n) was gone but the window was open. Masky and Hoodie ran twords Jeff and LJ.

I ran twords the window and was about to jump out when something grabbed my arm. "Maybe we should give her time to cool off." Toby said "Yeah. Especially after what happened." EJ said getting out of the cabinet. "O-okay." I agreed

(Y/n) pov

'Why? Why must I mess everything up every time I get something that's good to have?!' I thought as I ran. (Couple hours later) "I think this is a good place." I said as I wiped my tears away I made a pixleated brife case pop into mid air and threw it against the floor. It turned into a mini stage 'Just a couple of kills will cool me down' I thought as I walked onto the stage.
(Start video)

When the music started people came.

"The sky is red tonight.
We're on the edge tonight
No shooting star to guide us

Eye for and eye
Why tear eachother apart
Please tell me why
Do we make it so hard
look at us now
We only got our slevels ro blame
Its such a shame

How many times can we
Win and lose
How many times can we break the rules.."

(Eight people were standing in front of me. I made a pixcleated bombs appear into their hands. While more people were coming. All were in a daze so they didn't know what was going on)

Between us
Only tear drops..."

(The 8 that had the bombs hugged the ones that didn't have the bombs and blew up so in total (16) kills )

"So come and face me now
Here on the stage tonight
Let's leave the past
Behind us..."

(Some more people came with smiles (5) I did the same thing that I did with the other 16 and gave them bombs, but this time they looked like pills. So they ate them and blew up on the inside.)

"... Its such a shame
Tell me
How many times can we
Win and lose
How many times can we
Break the rules..."

(I hopped off the stage and looked at my beutiful creation. I snapped my fingers and the stage disapeared.) 'Its about sun set so I better get going, but first I need to write something. Aww with what though?...Got it!' I thought (still singing) As I dragged the body remains to write:

The helped

Then I placed a (color) bomb with a white bow on it next to the heads that I lined up. I smiled "That was relaxing." I said before jumping and running back twords the house. Deep in the woods again 'Now to go home' I thought with a smile, but then I fell and felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked at where it hurt and found an arrow in me. 'Sh*t!' I thought as I took out part of the arrow.

'My hair will cover the wound...good' I thought

Back at the house

Slender was watching the news with LJ, Jeff, been, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, and Toby. "I bet you my kills will be on" Jeff said "Nah mine will be." EJ said "Nope! Mine!" LJ said pointing at his chest. "Hey shh! The reporter is on!" Masky said.

"We have a killing of 21 people! ...
"Shh!" Jeff shushed slender
...These poor people were killed by someone we are yet not fond of! From what the looks of it this kill was placed by a person that left this bomb..."

"Who could all of these kil-" (door opens) everyone that was in the living room turned to see (y/n) with some blood on her. "H-hi" (y/n) said with her eye color a silver. "Were those 21 kills yours?!" Toby asked

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