About You

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May want to read!!!

Name: (Y/n) (Y/l/n)

Current age: 7
(When story actually begins your 15)

Favorite colors: Black, Fire red, Silver

Likes: Chaos, singing, Killing, games, bombs, and being herself

Dislikes: Quiet, anythng medicine related, sun light, and glitching

Disorder: multiple personality disorder and is Bipolar

Is: Insane, can split into 4 people, and a glitch (reason why she can split up into 4 people)

Description: Has long (color) hair. Sometimes vibrant colored eyes ((rare)like purple) but will always have sad emotion colors. Always wearing black no matter what. If quiet then chaos will happen. If loud you are useually safe. Was burned to near death at home place.

Back story:

I was walking back home from nana's. Walking down the dirt path that I always take so my 7 years old mind can memorize it. "H-hi." I said while glitching and smiling. The girl and two boys turned around. "Sorry we don't play with glitches." The snobby little girl said.

"Wh-y?" I asked with my vibrant green eye's turning into a blue-ish color. "Cuz you can make us glitch and we don't want that." The boy with blond hair said "Hey guys stop being mean to her. Maybe we should show her to the place." The guy with glasses said.

"I-I wo-uld l-love to pl-ay!" I said with my eye's turning an emerald green again and glitching because I'm excited. The boy and girl smirked. "Yeah maybe we should play with her." The blond haired boy said. 'Yay people are going to play with me again! I dont want to get hurt though..." i thoughy as the two boys picked me up and started to walk with the girl behind us. 'I guess this is how they play.' I thought.

Since I was kind of short and the boys were tall my feet couldn't touch the ground. "So we hear you are home schooled." The girl said "U-um ho-w d-id y-you kn-ow?" I asked nervously my eyes going silver. "Cuz you are the only one that glitches in this game." The one with glasses said flicking my head "You dummy."

"Hey!" I slightly yelled with my eye color changing to a dark blue. I looked in front of me and there was a volcano. The sunny day made the area even hotter making my body glitch even more. Which hurt very badly because the lava would pop and crackle and specks of it burned me.

Some of the lava was already down the volcano. I knew what was going to happen next. The blond guy pinned my arms behind my back and pushed me into a puddle of lava then laughed at me. As my eye color turned into a turqouise color as I screamed in pain. I stumbled out of the lava pool and was clutching my hands that were burning in pain.

"Y-ou wi-ll pay." I said with my dark blue eyes staring at them when I glitched.
"Can we come out?" Mani asked ( man-e )
"Hahahahah! Yeah can we?!" Saney laughed (sane-e)
"I want blood!" S.B whinned
"Sure. Let's play." I said as I closed my eyes.

Glitching infront of the three children making them look at me with fear. "You monster!" The girl said "I'm not the one who pushed a girl into lava." S.B said looking at her very sharp nails. "That was him not me!" The girl said pointing at the blond guy. "Hahaha don't worry you were only following orders!" Saney said as she twitched.

The blond guy nodded and pointed at the guy with the glasses. His face was covered with fear. "Aww don't be afraid. I to have a brain, but I'm out of it!" Mani said she was happily hyper. "Loco? Can we...play?" All three asked in unison. Loco nodded with a smile "Just like how they played with us." Loco said grinning even bigger.

The trio quickly and swiftly grabbed the other three (Blond, glasses, and girl) and pinned their arms behind their backs. "Fun isn't it." Loco said with a smile and lifting up the girls chin. She was crying "Aww don't cry... Scream. Cuz no one is going to help. Reminder this was your idea. And karma is always good to meanies like you." Loco said as she pointed twords the pool.

"Please don't do this!" The boy with blond hair whinned "Your just a crazy person!" The guy with glasses said in disbelif. "I'm not the one who thought it was a good idea to throw a girl into lava. (I look at my trio) him first!" Loco said pointing at the guy with glasses. "Why me?!" He questioned as Saney walked him up to the edge. "You were the leader of this so why not let the mad man go first?" Loco said inocently.

"Bubye!" Loco said waving as Sainey pushed the guy into the deep end of the pool of lava. "Okay who's next?" Loco said twirling around "Not me cuz I'm to beautiful to die. Kill him first!" The girl cryed reffering to the blond guy. The blond guy was in shock "M-my brother." He said "Oh no was that your poor brother? Is this your sister?" Loco said geting in his face and pointing to the girl.

"Um no I am his girlfriend!" She shouted at me. Loco smiled
"Per-rfect! Her next!" Loco said pointing to the girl "And mke sure that he watches everything!" Loco smiled. "Do-n't worr-y. You guy-s wer-en't the fir-st ones to betr-ay me li-ke th-is . Th-ere was
oth-ers." Loco said the girl looked at me with disbelif as she to was pushed but by Maini

*blood curtiling scream* "Your insane." The blond boy said with tears in his eye's. "Hey do you think we can kill him in a diferent way?" S.B asked "You really want your blood huh?" Mani asked "Hahahaha! Of couse she does!" Saney said laughing. "Yea-h fine. W-what ever you w-want. Just aft-er bu-urn him like the
oth-ers. Okay?" Loco said S.B chopped off his legs so he couldn't run.

"You know what. I think that you will never be loved by anyone. Cuz you are a broken person and no one will be your other half. Go try to find it! I bet you won't!" The blond boy said as he died from Loco cutting his stomatch open and bombing him. Which made him instantly die. "Shut your mouth!" S.B growled "hahaha yeah and no one will ever love you because your dead!" Saney said

"Well he was very rude. Right Loco?" Mani said looking at me my eyes were an icy blue clolor. "Aww don't be sad Loco." Mani said sadly "...Yeah don't be sad." Saney said calmly which meant she too was sad "Come on Loco we love hiw we are. Nothing will change that." S.B said frowning "Y-yeah, but sh-he's r-ight. You g-guys." Loco stuttered sadly.

"We need to form again." Mani said "Aw" Saney whinned "Fine Loco?" S.B said "Yeah." Loco said as they all did their tricks and faded away into ashes, forming (Y/n) again. "Alright. Let's go home and have some fun." (Y/n) said.

Alright so just to clarify. The only reason why Loco had more emotion was because she's the part of you that's more connected with you.

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