The Boss

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I walked twords the door and turned around to see Ben behind me. "So. Where is his office?" I asked Ben took my hand in his and guided me down the stairs, passing the living room with Jeff and LJ giving Ben glare's as we passed by. Then we went down a hallway and saw big red doors with the operation sybol on it.

Ben knocked on the door and we heard a males voice say "come in." As both Ben and I walked in my hand was still in his. I looked at a very tall man in a suit and was very pale, he had no face. But who am I to judge? "Hello my name is -" I was cut off by the very tall man "(Y/n). I know, My name is Slenderman but you can call me Slender."

"Well its nice to meet you Slender, but please do refrain from trying to look into my mind. There is nothing you want to see there. Shut up Saney I know. S.B I'm hungry to. Mani please stop fighting. Loco quiet them down please. I'm talking to someone." I said (Italics was whispered while I looked down)

"Sorry." I apologized "It is okay my child. Now would you like to tell me why I can't access your mind. Or why you just talked to yourself?" Slender asked "He seems like an okay guy." Mani said "Can we come out and tell him ourselfs?" Saney asked. "Ohh yeah!" S.B agreed. "You know what happened the last time you were out. Its up to (y/n) on weather she wants to split or not." Loco said.

"Um... you can't access my mind because I'm broken. I came from (a game) and was a glitch. I have a split personality that I will show you in a moment once they all calm down. I talk to them which is me, but diferent voices and personalities." I said calmly glitching like so.

Being in a couple of pixles hurt, but I have gotten used to it. "Okay we are all calm now." Saney, Mani and S.B said in unison "Loco?" I asked myself "Yes we are calm now." Loco said as I let go of Bens hand and closed my eyes to split/glitch into my four. Slender and Ben stared at me (the four) "Hello Slender nice to meet you. Ben you to." All four said in unison and bowed down.

Slenders pov what should I call you four?" Slender asked "Hello my name is Loco. I am the one that is more like (y/n) there for I'm the leader of these three when we are split. Now introduce yourself's." The silver haired one said. 'Okay so she's the emotion/voice that (y/n) is very simular to.' I thought.

"My name is Mani. Which is short for MANIAC. I conflict pain and curiosity for (y/n) Mostly the reason why she got the idea of killing. Also the reason why she sings. Sirens have so much emotions." The blue/green haired one said. 'Okay so she's (y/n)'s sadness and pain. Got it' I thought.

"Hello! My name is Saney! Which is short for InSAnE! I am the part of (y/n) that snapped and is the happy side of her. Even if I don't come out as much I am the reason why she's InSAnE, but when I'm out its fun time!" The green haired girl jumped up and down 'Got it she's the crazy side of (y/n)' I thought

"Last but not least me. They call me S.B which is short for Sick B*tch. I can show you why they named me what I am named, but for my intro. I am the voice/emotion that is blood thirsty and makes her emotionless. Reason: Classified unless we agree to tell you." The ice blue haired one said. "Wait why do they call you Sick B*tch or S.B for short?" I asked.

"Heh well I'm glad you asked." S.B said as she put out her hand. I placed my hand into hers like we were going to shake hands, but she had a good grip and I instantly regretted asking. She pulled my hand quickly twords her mouth and sank her teeth into my suit to reach my skin.

(All girls were wearing the same thing. And pretend her hair is icy blue. Makay! Does it look real though is what I'm asking cuz yeah)

I yelped in pain and pulled away making a tear in both my suit and forearm. "What the bloody hell?!" I yelled at my arm while watching it heal up. "Hey you taste really good! Oh I am not a vampire or anything I just sharpen my four teeth cuz I'm just blood thirsty. Also I'm the canibal side of Ash." S.B said wipeing her mouth from my black oze.(Blood)

"Hahahaha!" Saney laughed "Well good thing you have healing saliva S.B or that would have taken me a while to stitch up. Gosh" Mani said shakeing her head. "Okay and this is why I told you guys 'You know what happened the last time' but that was with Jeff, but no you have to bite the boss. Oh and by the way you do have good blood." Loco said.

"How did you taste my blood when she only bit me?" I asked "Well they all are the same person just different personalities and they are split up, but that doesn't mean that they don't share the same things. For example if let's say (y/n) ate a pancake. They all taste the same thing its call body links." Ben said making sense of all of this.

"Yes he is correct. We are all the same person just glitched up and split up." Loco said "Nice work Ben!" Saney, Mani, and S.B said. Ben blushed "No prob. I love it when I'm smarter than Slender, but thats only when he's in shock." Ben said "We gotta form again." Loco said

"Aww!" "But." "I'm hungry!" Saney , Mani , and S.B said one after the other. Loco just gave them a glare "You will eat when (y/n) eats. So you better form before I do it for you!" Loco demanded. "Fine!" All three said.

Saney did a back flip and turned into ashes.
Mani did a front flip and turned into ashes.
S.B twirled around and turned into ashes.
Loco grabbed the ashes in her hands and blew into them.

Making ashes fall everywere blinding mine and Bens vision from the girls. When the ash's cleared I saw (y/n). (The complete version) "Well how did I do?" She asked playfully. Fully aware on how it went. "Hey! I like your complete form!" Ben said as he hugged her.

She was only shorter than him by like what three inches. She patted his back not sure if that was the right rhing to do. When they pulled away from the hug her eye color was a purple. 'Her eye color changes too?!' She looked at me and nodded.

"Let's go and get food I'm hungry." (Y/n) said as she hopped on Bens back and pointed forward. "To food!" (Y/n) said as she placed her head on top of his head. I shook my head 'Children these days.' I thought as I continued my reasurching on her.

Aww snap I bet you didn't think that Slender was doing reserch on her backround. I mean it makes sense because he can't access her mind because of her four voice's. Okay okay calm down. Not you me. Damn I'm talking to myself again. Okay im officially crazy. Probably. Now on ward with the story! Bubye!

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