16: the new Bob's Burgers

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Penelope had a date tonight. She came up to me earlier this morning and asked me to help her get ready for it. Obviously I said "hell yes." The rest of the girls from Engineering, Martha and Addison, were going to help out too.

We all met up at Penelope's house after school to hang out and talk about what Penelope's going to wear and what we'll do to her hair and whatever. The whole time we were there, she was so shy and quiet. I barely understood how she was able to muster up the courage to ask me and the other girls for help. She's way too shy for that.

Let me tell you something about Penelope's house: it's huge. Three floors (not including the basement), two pools, a backyard big enough to build another enormous house, her own private balcony that fit a table and three lawn chairs, and much more. It was a Spanish-style house set at the end of the neighborhood, where all the richest people were. You could say that I was as rich as they were, but I am so glad I don't live in homes like these. They're like hotels, that's how big they are.

You could tell that Penelope hated it too. Her room was so simple compared to all the others and she didn't have all these expensive things that her parents decorated around the house.

It was a beautiful home, too. Colonial. Her parents had good taste.

"What do your parents do?" Addison asked. "Can I work for them?"

Penelope didn't look uncomfortable, but she didn't look relaxed either. "My dad owns a cigarette company and he's an investment banker or something. My mom's family owns an entertainment company and she's the only child they could pass the money down to..."

Holy guac.

Martha smiled. "Can you tell us who the guy you're going out with is?" she asked.

"Yesssss! Tell me, tell me! Is he hot?" Addison squealed. She jumped onto the bed and hugged the pillow she brought.

Oh, I forgot to say! We're all sleeping over.

Penelope blushed beet red. Oh I have a good feeling about this.


Martha, Addison and I nearly fell off the bed.

"What?" Addison cried out. "I didn't know you guys had something going on between you two! Since when?"

Martha and I nodded. We all sat on the bed like eager chickens waiting to be fed. But we wanted to be fed information. Information about how, when, why, and where. Literally everything. We wanted to know everything.

"We both talked about coding with each other," Penelope started, "after we found out that we both liked it. And...then we traded numbers and started to text a lot."

I squealed, I admit it. "I'm a Pichie shipper!"

"I think it should be Renelope."

"Nah, Pichie is cuter."

"Pichie sounds like bitchy," Martha said.


Penelope looked scared out of her mind in the corner of the bed. I almost laughed out loud. She was just too cute.

I tied my hair into a messy knot on top of my head and played with my earring. "Did he tell you where you're going?"

Now she seemed to relax. "He said that he knows this cool ice rink that's almost always empty. And then I think we're going for a walk or something. I'm not sure."

Martha and Addison shared a look and then all three of us shared a look: we got this.

Martha got up first. Since she had been here before, she knew exactly where everything was. Plus, she and Penelope became best friends since joining Engineering Club. She opened up the huge walk-in closet and we closely followed.

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