9: Operation Save the Guests

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"I'm teaching you how to..."

"How to...?"

"Wait, I forgot the name. One sec."

Will flipped through pages of notes and plans that he and I wrote down for Engineering Club. Today, we were going to learn how to engineer a robot and how to control it by typing up codes. It was something Will and I have been meaning to teach and learn more about for a very, very long time. We thought that today would be the best day.

I sighed. "We're going to learn how to code--not the shitty Kahn Academy, Richie. We're learning actual computer coding."

Richie smiled with his mouth full of braces. He was so cute and sweet--like a little kitten that you just want to hold in your hands forever. I just want to squeeze his cheeks--I'm going to squeal because he's so fucking cute. Ahhhahsjsndjsuehe soooo cuteeeee.

Will gave me The Look that said thanks; you're a life-saver.

Pshh. I know. I'm amazing.

"Guys grab the laptops and log into them. Will and I will write the basic rules for coding up on the board."

Addison raised her hand. "How long will we be learning about coding?"

This time Will answered the question: "We were thinking of using code for the rest of the year, actually. Out of the days we meet during the week, one day will be dedicated to coding and building things that will be controlled with computer codes."

Now Richie raised his hand. I wanted to answer the question because he's my actual fave but I turned to write the coding rules on the board.

"Will we be building our own computers?"

Whoa. Will and I never thought of that. I turned to Will and we both stared at each other like how the hell did we not think of that? We used our semi-telepathic abilities to answer the question at the same time: "Yes."

Will took it further, though. "Richie you're going to be teaching us how to engineer a computer since it was your idea."

If you guys could see the way Richie's eyes lit up. He looked like a puppy that just learned its first trick and is being praised. Ughhhh I want to smush his cute, chubby cheeks together so badly. He's too cute, I swear. It should be illegal to be this cute. If you guys were here right now you would squeal so loud that all our ear drums would rupture. I would be part of the squealing group.

No shame.

We continued with the lessons and started coding on the computers by the end of the period. Everyone was quick with catching on--except for Richie. Apparently, he already knew how to code even better than Will and I. Especially me, since I could only do the basics of coding. Richie, though, was beast at it. He could code faster than you say "code." Not only that, but the codes he typed were so complicated and advanced that it was surprising he didn't work for some computer software company already. And it definitely looked like he enjoyed it.

An hour later, everyone had finished packing up the laptops and we were all walking out of the school together.

This was the first time we ever talked so much as a group, you know? We actually all got along so well and laughed and joked around. If anyone looked at us they would have thought we were a tight-knit group.

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