11: grass is just earth's pubes

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The day went by pretty quickly. I think the fact that I only had two classes really helped. The rest of the day was spent building the tree house and planning on how to generate enough electricity to power three tree houses. It was a little stressful, especially knowing that it would take me a while to complete everything. I still needed to clean and polish the tree houses which would require professional help.

My parents told me that the guy would come today and he would work on the tree houses with me. I even spoke to the guy on the phone: it would take two days to do one house. There was one day to prep and place the first coat, the next day to put the second and final coat on. Then there was a full day to let it dry. So, basically, we would try to do as many as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. But it took three hours to prep and pour the first layer--not to mention the hour it takes to smooth it out.

The guy still wasn't here yet. He's half an hour late.

I was "patiently" waiting on the front steps while my mom and the cleaning lady worked on cleaning the house. What was taking so damn long? I looked like an idiot in these stupid black and white Sophie shorts and a stupid olive green tee that had holes in it from the amount of times I've used it to build the tree houses and stuff.

A big truck with some kind of tank in the back pulled up in front of the house, and a short, slightly chubby man came out. His face was red and his forehead was beaded with sweat. Someone was in a hurry.

"Sorry, miss," he told me when he got close, "the truck broke down and it took a while to fix it."

"Oh it's fine. Let's just hurry to get this done."

He nodded and asked for my help to take the huge tank down on a wheeling wagon. It was heavy and grey with some sort of lid and a long, flexible pipe folded in a way in which I couldn't tell its length. It seemed hella long.

With my help, the man (whose name I learned was Gregory--Greg for short) wheeled his tank and his bag of supplies all the way to my tree houses. Once there, he immediately set turned on the tank's switch and ran back with me to grab his ladder.

I held onto the ladder and passed him his tools and whatever he needed as he set to work. I kept on looking down at the tank/machine nervously. Its buzzing noise felt like a ticking time bomb. Was it going to be like those weird Harry Potter puppets on YouTube? Greg and I will break into song and then explode?

My brain is whack.

Anyway, four and a half long hours passed before Greg finished the first house. He looked tired when he was done and promised to come by tomorrow. Then he stored the tank and ladder underneath the porch in my back yard and left.

Guess what I did for the next three hours? That's right, I finished fixing and building the second tree house. I added a skylight and heightened the roof to ten feet high while adding more support from the bottom. Once I finished with that, I cleaned the tree house inside and out. By the time I finished, the sun had started to set and I needed to go inside to shower and eat dinner with the fam.

I could not and can not wait to see the end result.


Will and I were doing engineering again today. We were still only learning about codes but we were steadily moving forward. Everyone seemed to be grasping on to the program well and they looked like they enjoyed it. I mean they even did the homework we gave them. Who does the homework club members give you?

Two kids seemed to excel at coding: Richie (never mind that he already knows some) and Penelope. Penelope was the cute sophomore with dirty/strawberry blonde hair streaked towards he bottom with pastel pink. She looked a lot like Penelope Stewart (the girl who got her stomach pumped twice) but wasn't like her at all. I think they're second or third cousins or something. She had these big round blue eyes and freckles that dotted her nose and a little on her cheeks. Her top lip was fuller than her bottom a little, but it made it look like she pouted and was so cute. Her eyebrows were full and slightly darker than her natural hair color--like Cara Delevigne. She was really cute. And she was only 5'3".

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