Chapter 10: Desision

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Petra's Pov:

It was morning already and I woke up... in Jesse's arms. I blushed when I saw him, but I gave him a quick peck in his lips and then I heard him groan, which means he is waking up. He opened his emerald eyes and he stared at my brown chocolate ones, he gave me warm smile which made me smile back.

"Morning" said Jesse before I repeated the words. He gave me a kiss in my forehead before he got up to put on his shirt. Then we heard a knock, it was Jess.

"Hey Jesse are you awake?" asked Jess

"Yeah I'm awake" He replied "What do you want?"

"We need to talk." She said.

"Okay okay, I'll meet you in your room." he said.

After a few seconds I heard footsteps fade away slowly, Jesse then turn to face me with his goofy old smile, to be honest I missed that smile.

"Petra?" he asked

"Yeah?" I replied

"Go wait outside with the others, I need to talk to my sister for a moment."

I nodded and went outside to the entrance, the whole group was there(except Jesse and Jess). There was cake in there and we had some, I'm sure they would't mind. After a few minutes Jesse and Jess finally came.  

Jesse's Pov:

I went to Jess room, I wonder what she wants to talk about. I knocked the door and Jess opened it.

"Your alone right?" she asks me and I nod.

She lets me in and I lean in the wall while she sits down in her bed. "Ok" she said "I was thinking about us telling the order why we don't want them to go the temple of souls."

I was not happy with the idea but we need to tell them some day. I shook my head, "No, not yet." I said " I don't think we should tell them just yet.

She only nods and says "Do you think your friends will forgive you?"

"I hope so, but i won't get my hopes up." I said sadly .

We both leave Jess' room and went to the entrance and saw the Order waiting there for us. I sighed and went to talk to them.

"Hey guys" I said " I'm sorry"

No ones Pov:

The Order just stared at Jesse both confused and worried. Then the silence was broken when Lukas asked "Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for tricking you guys that I died for a foolish reason" said Jesse with a sad tone " I don't deserve to be a hero, I don't deserve to be your friend and I don't deserve to to be forgiven."

The group just stared at Jesse, no one talked and just stared at Jesse with sadden looks. 

"Jesse don't say that" said Petra.

"Yeah Jesse, you did so many good things to us." said Axel.

"Your a good friend, leader and hero" said Olivia.

" You and your sister suffered in the past so you deserve a second chance." said Lukas.

Jesse just looked at his sister sadly while she smiled at him.

"Come back to the group Jesse, your sister can join if she wants" begged Olivia.

"Come on Jesse, be our leader again" begged Petra as she went to him and patted his shoulder.

Jesse didn't say anything he just stared at them and said, "I-I need to think about this, I going to take a walk and come back with an answer."

Jesse pushed the button and made the entrance open and disappeared into the shadows of the jungle.

"Give him some space" Said Jess

Everyone left the library to have a chat. Petra only stayed behind and went after Jesse.

"Hopefully, I can convince him." thought Petra.

N/A: Ok So the new Order forgive Jesse and Want him and his sister to be with them, But Jesse is still having doubts of joining again, can Petra convince Jesse to rejoin or not? will until next time, oh and by the way the next chapter will be the last chapter. 

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