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Jinora's eyes fluttered open. She had to get back to the island. She looked at the sky. Sundown? Man spirit travel took a while. Granted she did take a moment to go catch up with some friends in the spirit world, but that was important business.

Jinora grabbed her bag, the book hitting her thigh, as she opened her glider and flew out of the alley. Jinora felt a new wind of confidence. She loved Kai and surely he had to feel the same way. And if he didn't? Well Jinora didn't want to think about that. She landed on the loading platform and raced into the courtyard.

"Kai! Kai!" She yelled, looking all around. "Ka..." She found him. And Shina. Making out in the courtyard. Jinora's heart sank and she felt like the world was collapsing. Tears streamed down her face and she ran away. She was too late. He loved Shina. Who could love her anyways?

Jinora sank under her favorite tree and put her head between her legs. She pulled the book from her bag. She looked at it and threw it over the cliff. Who cared? Kai sure didn't.

Jinora was greeted by footsteps behind her. She sat up, her heart pounding.

"Kai?" She said quietly. A figure brushed past her and lifted her chin.

"Quite the opposite." Shina said, smiling down at Jinora. She wiped a tear from Jinora's cheek and pouted at her.

"Awe was someone gonna tell Kai about her petty little feelings?" Shina said in a baby voice. Jinora boiled with rage, her face turning red. Shina laughed and dropped her chin.

"As if. Kai could never love a loser like you." Shina turned away and looked over the edge. Jinora clenched her fist and refrained from blowing her over the edge. Shina sensed her anger.

"Save it for later sweetheart. Plus what will getting rid of me do for you? It won't make Kai like you for sure." Shina said in a cocky sort of way. Jinora loosened her grip. She was right, as much as Jinora hated to admit it. Shina smirked and turned to face Jinora.

"It's over. Nice try. Kai needs someone who is intense and as edgy as himself. Judging that you just spent the last five years in the spirit world because your daddy told you to tells me that you aren't that type of person." Shina studied her nails. Jinora had enough. Shina could insult her, she could insult her habits, but bringing her family into it was unnecessary. It was Jinora's idea to go into the spirit world.

"That's it!" Jinora stood up and threw her bag down. She rolled up her sleeves and Shina laughed.

"Awe the little girl is gonna fight me. I'd like to see you try." Shina said motioning Jinora to attack.

Jinora made a fast motion, blowing Shina straight off the edge of the cliff. Jinora smirked, but her smile was knocked off her face when Shina returned the cliff side. Sparks flew off of Shina's fingertips.

"It'll take a lot more than a little wind to get rid of me!" Shina said blasting Jinora with a bolt of lightning. Jinora crashed into a nearby building. Her entire body ached. Shina waltzed over to her. She was laughing.

"This is will be too easy." Shina shot another bolt of lightning at Jinora. This time Jinora was ready. Jinora dodged the strike and blew Shina off her feet. Shina's head hit the pavement. She laughed. Fire blazed out of Shina's feet straight at Jinora, as she leaped back up. Jinora blew the fire aside as her gaze met Shina. Shina's hair was wild, her electric eyes meeting Jinora's. Jinora wasn't fazed. She had fought much worse enemies than her.

Jinora bent air straight at Shina's chest sending her backwards. Shina stood up in time for Jinora to land a blow to her side. Shina's balance wavered but she quickly regained it. She shot a few blows at Jinora, Jinora dodging each. Jinora threw a low blow knocking Shina back to the pavement. Shina laid still. Jinora walked over to her. Shina looked weak, her hair soaked from landing in a puddle. Jinora waded into the water, it reached her ankles. She smiled down at Shina.

"Oh how the tables have turned." Jinora said laughing at Shina. She felt guilty and offered a hand to Shina. Shina growled and grabbed the hand reluctantly. When Jinora pulled her up, Shina laughed jumping high into the air. Jinora's eyes went big realizing what she had done. Shina shot a bolt of lightning into water and pushed off of Jinora's chest, sending Jinora into the water and Shina safely on the pavement. The pain was tremendous. The lightning travelled through Jinora's entire body and stayed there.

Jinora's consciousness was fading. Shina laughed and walked away. Jinora's vision went foggy, she could still feel the shocks through her body.

"Jinora! Jinora!" Ikki yelled, shaking Jinora.

Jinora couldn't remember anything after that.

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