Goodbye Spirit World

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It was Jinora's eighteenth birthday, and excitement was buzzing in the air. For weeks, her friends in the spirit world had been planning the big day, as it was not only a birthday party, but also a going-away celebration.

The last five years, Jinora has spent living amongst the spirit world, a choice that she had made all on her own after the new portal was opened in Republic City. She had cherished her time but desperately missed home. How much had changed?

That morning she woke up from her usual bed and grabbed her suitcase. In the kitchen, Iroh greeted her with a hot steaming glass of tea. He smiled as she set down her luggage and took a seat at the table.

"I'm gonna miss having you around Jinora." Iroh said, as he sat across from her. Jinora smiled as she sipped her tea.

"I'm gonna miss you too Iroh, but I promise I'll come back and visit!"

Iroh chuckled. "I'm sure you will."

Jinora and Iroh had become close from the past years after he had offered her a place to live during her travels. She was initially hesitant as she felt bad for scrounging off the man, however, after Iroh's extensive pleading and some very good tea, Jinora complied. She hadn't realized that she was giving Iroh something in return for letting her stay - her company.

Iroh, though surrounded by spirits, was lonely and seemed to come back to life whenever he had company. A few times when Jinora was around she had witnessed someone come to visit. The most memorable time was perhaps when Firelord Zuko came to see his uncle. She couldn't recall a time where Iroh looked more excited.

Looking out the window behind Jinora, Iroh took another sip of his coffee and smiled. "We should be getting a move on, I'm sure you have many people awaiting your arrival in Republic City," Iroh says calmly, as if contradicting his previous statement and encouraging Jinora to take all the time she needs.

And judging from the way her chest contricts each time she thinks about leaving, Jinora needed more time than what she actually had.

The two finished their tea and walked outside. They were greeted by hundreds of spirits, all waiting to say goodbye to Jinora. Jinora sighed and spent an entire thirty minutes saying goodbye to each one. Many were close friends she had made along the way, which created difficult goodbyes, but many were also spirits she had never seen before, all just wanting the comfort of a good hug.

When all the spirits had said there goodbyes, Jinora knew it was time to head for the Republic City Spirit portal. She gave one last hug to Iroh and waved goodbye to all the spirits. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Thank you for everything." She said as she walked away from the crowd and headed off.

It only took her a matter of minutes before she reached the stretch of land with the three portals. She hesitantly walked towards the one seated to the side, in between the two others she had become familiar with during harmonic convergence. Taking one last look at the world she had become so familiar with, Jinora took a deep breath and walked through the spirit portal.

If only she was aware of the adventures that would meet her on the other side.

Kainora: Time ChangesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin