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It had been a week since Jinora returned to Republic City. She was finally starting to readjust to life. She began teaching classes about the spirit world. She had met with a publisher to get her research papers massed produced. She had seen Kai a few times around the temple and started talking to him again. He even showed up for one of her classes. After a week of asking, Jinora finally agreed to lunch, without Shina 'the she devil' as Jinora so kindly referred to her as.

She met Kai at the sky bisons and Kai helped her on board. The flew in silence, occasionally engaging in small talk till they made it to the restaurant. It was only accessible by Sky bison or glider, as it was at the top of a tower. Kai lifted Jinora off the bison and set her on the ground, tying up the bison.

"Shall we?" He said showing Jinora inside. The restaurant was nothing short of spectacular. The walls were glass overlooking the city, chandeliers hung over all of the table. Jinora was glad she decided to wear a dress, her typical wear would have been a little too informal. Kai led them over to a table and they sat down. He loved watching Jinora's eyes sparkle as she looked in amazement around the building. He couldn't help but stare until Jinora came back down to earth and locked eyes with his. Jinora's heart quickened. Why is he looking at me? God why did I agree to this? Their awkward staring contest was interrupted by the server.

"What can I get for you two?" The server said.

"Two of the chef's specials please." The server nodded and walked away. Kai turned back to Jinora.

"This place is amazing. It was built specifically for airbenders. It's only accessible by air and everything on the menu is vegetarian, though some of us decided not to take that path." Kai smiled and rubbed his neck and Jinora giggled a little.

"It's amazing how much has changed since I left." Jinora wanted to believe that sentence was about the city. She couldn't make herself believe that.

"Yeah, after Kuvira you should have seen the way the town rebuilt itself. All nations came together and now each nation put its own mark on the town. We're sitting in the airbender's legacy." Kai said.

"What about Korra? I saw her and Asami in the spirit world but that was five years ago."

"Korra is doing great. She led the reconstruction and encouraged nations to add their own marks to the place, to help people learn about all different cultures. They even built her a new statue after the old one was destroyed. We can go look at it later. I think Korra said she was coming back to the city soon. She wanted to talk to you."

Jinora's face lit up. Korra missed her. She missed Korra as well. If it wasn't for Korra, she would have never been able to take five years in the spirit world, never been able to get her tattoos, never been able to gain trust from her father.

The food arrived it and it was the most amazing thing Jinora had ever tasted. She engulfed every bite, and then some of Kai's. When was the last time she had an actual meal? When they finished, Jinora leaned back in her chair. Kai laughed a little.

"I know things are kinda awkward between us, but I really miss hanging out with you Jinora. Even if things won't be the same as when you left, can we at least be friends?" Kai said, looking into her eyes.

Jinora had to put her pride aside. She really did miss hanging out with Kai. She couldn't let her jealousy ruin the one good relationship she had. "Sure Kai, I would love that." She said smiling, this one not fake.

Kai was so happy he jumped up and hugged her.

"I missed you too Kai." Jinora said in his chest. "But now you need to let me go."

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