Korra Returns

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Jinora landed on the Main Street in Republic City. She didn't even have a plan with Ikki. Jinora wandered the busy streets. She desperately wanted to talk to someone. But who could she trust? She didn't even know where any of her old friends were. God she missed Korra. Korra had been through some crazy relationships. She would have known how to handle the situation.

Jinora found herself in the middle of the park. She sat on the bench across from Korra's statue. It was funny, she remembered when they built that statue. Things had been so different. She wished things were like they were before the spirit world. God! The spirit world messed everything up. The spirit world...
Jinora's face lit up. She knew how she could contact Korra.

Jinora fled the park and unlatched her glider, taking off in the middle of the street. She rode the wind until she reached a back alley. She closed the glider and landed softly in the back of the alley. It was damp, dark, and perfect. Jinora sat on the wet pavement and closed her eyes, placing her fists together. If Korra couldn't come to her, she would go to Korra.

After a few minutes, Jinora felt her spirit being projected from her body. She searched for the avatar's spiritual energy. She felt Korra's spirit and within minutes she was at the South Pole, in Korra's room. Korra was sitting with Asami, Asami braiding her hair. Jinora smiled.

"I hate to break up the braiding train, but I really need some advice." Korra and Asami looked over in awe at Jinora. Korra leaped up and hugged Jinora, even though neither of them could feel it physically, they definitely felt it mentally. Korra smiled.

"I missed you Jinora." Asami joined Korra.

"We all missed you." Asami said smiling.

"I don't have a lot of time... But I really need some help." Jinora said, she could already feel the connection getting weaker. Korra and Asami looked at each other then back at Jinora.

"We're all ears." Korra said. So Jinora started talking. And man did she talk. She told them all about her return from the spirit world, her reunion with Kai, and of course Shina. Korra and Asami listened intently.

"And that is my problem. Kai wants to hang out later, but obviously I can't and I don't want to loose Kai. He deserves so much more than Shina." Tears welled up in Jinora's eyes. Asami started.

"This reminds me of a little story about two girls and a boy named Mako." Asami said, smirking at Korra. Korra laughed.

"I think the best thing you can do is tell Kai the truth. Obviously the kid wants to hang out with you, though can I even call you two kids anymore? Happy 18th birthday Jinora, and now 19th for Kai? Wow. I'm old. But back to advice, you can't avoid him forever." Korra said, holding Asami's hand.

"Plus, we all know you still have feelings for him... And from the sounds of it he does too. You need to tell him about Shina, and you need to tell him how you feel. Even if he doesn't feel the same, at least you won't have to keep pretending that you don't like him." Asami said. Jinora nodded and spirit hugged them.

"I knew I could trust you two. Thank you." She backed away and noticed a ring on both of their hands. Her eyes went wide.

"Please tell me I didn't miss the wedding!" Jinora said, looking distressed. Korra laughed.

"Actually, we got engaged last week. I was meaning to ask you if you wanted to be the maid of honor?" Korra asked, raising an eyebrow. Jinora squealed with glee.

"Of course!" Jinora said hugging Korra. Her form flickered. She backed away.

"I have to go. Thank you both for everything. See you soon." Jinora said quickly. She saw Korra and Asami waving as her form evaporated and she felt herself reuniting with her body.

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