Chapter 23

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•·.·Chapter 23·.·•

Brenda wasn't surprised to see Keith's car parked outside when she got home. She didn't remember to tell him that she got called in to work, so naturally he dropped by thinking she was home. That was her mistake, and she'd walked into a very awkward situation.

She never intended for Aubrey to find out about Keith the way she had. She planned to introduce them properly but it was too late for that now.

Sensing her daughter's disappointment, Brenda did her best to explain that things had only gotten serious between her and Keith a few weeks ago.

In the next few days that passed, Aubrey came around. She was a bit stubborn in the beginning but that was only because she was upset. She couldn't stay mad when she saw how much her mother adored Keith. Her face lit up every time she saw his car pull up in the driveway, then she'd run upstairs to fuss over her hair and clothes. It was too cute.

Fred, Brenda's last boyfriend never had such an uplifting effect on her. He had been such a serious and boring man. Aubrey had only witnessed him laughing once at a joke. Even his laugh had sounded serious and the joke - up to this day Aubrey still didn't get it. Aubrey never warmed up to Fred but she liked Keith almost instantly. Not only did he laugh at funny jokes, he was pretty damn funny himself. He made great company and he knew a lot about a lot of things. He was very smart.

Aubrey made sure to give her mom a pat on her back. She did well this time. Very well. Brenda had only shaken her head. She was happy that Aubrey and Keith were getting along. There was nothing forced or strained between them.

Travis didn't seem to like him though and this troubled her. Brenda didn't know exactly what it was or how to approach the issue but she sensed a strong resentment in him. She was almost certain that it had something to do with his parents. The few times she tried asking about them she never got any answers.

She never tried asking about them again but she would. Aside from what she could see and the way he was, Brenda knew very little about him. There was no doubt in her mind that he cared for Aubrey. He had to. Why else would he sit and listen to Aubrey's ridiculously dramatic stories? Lord knows where she came up with such crazy stuff. Either way, Brenda's concern had nothing to do with how he felt her daughter.

What bothered her about him was his emotional state. He was terribly cold and cynical and he got uncomfortable at even the slightest display of affection towards himself. She hardly heard his voice in the few days he's been around. This brought the issue of his parents back to mind. Didn't they care about him? Did he even have parents? Were they alive? The possibilities were endless.

And poor Aubrey. Her baby didn't stand a chance. She was falling so hard for him. Brenda could see it happening right before her eyes. Whatever issues Travis had, she really hoped that he overcame them. He and Aubrey were very different but they fit so well together. Brenda would hate to see anything come between them.


Two days before Travis and Aubrey were to leave Aubrey went shopping with Brenda. Travis managed to pull himself out of it at the very last moment. For him, shopping and misery came hand in hand.

Unfortunately, Keith stopped by to visit and decided to stay and keep him company. Travis just ignored him and his shitload ton of questions.

"Are you always this unapproachable?" Keith asked loosening his tie. He pulled it off and tossed it on the counter. He was glad that he got Travis alone. It gave him the opportunity to try to talk with him, but as expected, Travis didn't want to talk. Keith stared at him long and hard. For days he'd been trying to strike up a conversation with him but all he ever got was the cold shoulder. Tough kid.

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