Chapter 11

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•·.· Chapter 11 ·.·•

Travis could barely, just barely keep a leveled head. He couldn't remember ever being this angry at anyone. His blood felt like it was boiling over into his head. He was literally seeing red. The stupid piece of shit kissed her. He had to be out of his damn mind. His fists flexed dangerously at his sides the longer he held Malcolm in his sight.

His steps quickened as he walked towards the pair and the closer he got, he could hear what was being said. Aubrey was staring up at Malcolm with an irritated frown on her face.

"I'm serious. I am not interested. Let me go."

Travis eyes narrowed when Malcolm acted as if he'd loss his damn hearing and pulled her closer. He whispered something in her ear and Aubrey gave him a disgusted look as she pushed him away.

He held her arm and pulled her into him again. "Whoa. Calm down," he said grinning. It was that stupid grin he always wore that made Travis want to permanently rip it off his face.

"Don't touch me," Aubrey said sounding angrier. She was trying to twist her arm out of his tight hold. Cindy and Katherine stepped in, trying to pull Aubrey back from the tool but Malcolm's grip never faltered.

Travis gritted his teeth, seething in anger. This was the guy they let out of prison early for good behavior? What a god damn joke.

"I'm serious. Let me go," Aubrey pleaded. Her cerulean eyes held a clear mixture of fear and anger. He hated seeing that look on her face. He hated it. He was going to lose it. He just knew it.

Malcolm wasn't listening. He never did. He always did shit like this. The words stop and no meant nothing to him. His hands moved down Aubrey's back to her ass and she slapped him.

"Bitch!" Malcolm spat slapping her back. He hit her so hard that she stumbled back and fell into her stunned friends arms. Katherine and a guy standing nearby had to hold Cindy when she lunged at Malcolm.

"The fuck?" Aiden and Cory exchanged shocked glances.

Travis swore at that very moment he was going to break Malcolm.

As if sensing someone watching him, Malcolm looked up and his gaze immediately met Travis' own malevolent stare. His eyes narrowed and he started shoving his way through the crowd. Everyone in his path quickly got out of his way.

Malcolm shoved his hands in Travis' chest and stood up tall to get in his face. "You slept with my sister," he said accusingly. Travis stared down at the guy. He didn't give a shit about his sister right now.

"Someone had to," Aiden said coming up beside him. "Why you so mad anyways? Word on the street is she loved it."

Malcolm swung his fist and punched Aiden across his face. A collected gasp came from everyone in the bar. Even the DJ must have seen what was going down because the music stopped.

Aiden raised his hand to his mouth to wipe away the small trickle of blood there. He stared back at Malcolm completely taken aback. The entire room was thick with tension as everyone stared fixated anticipating a fight.

Travis lost it. He grabbed Malcolm by his shirt and punched him in in his face. There was a loud, satisfying crunch as his nose snapped beneath his fist from the impact. Malcolm stumbled backwards clutching his broken nose and cussing.

Travis pulled him by his hair and smashed his fist into his face again. Malcolm cried out in pain but he didn't stop. It was sick but he enjoyed seeing Malcolm's face twisted in pain. Even as Malcolm fought back trying and stop his attacks, he never stopped hitting the guy.

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