Chapter 6 Blood Lust

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Before you read, There is multimedia that will help set the scene, Enjoy...

I don't remember what happened that night; I woke up next to him. I had some cringe worthy flashbacks that mad no sense to me. I was in a room with light blue walls. there were a few impressionist paintings on them. Before I could see what they resembled, I felt a pain in my stomach. It was like hunger except it was more painful then any I had ever felt. I moaned; it really hurt and was progressing, like a forest fire. Flynn's eyes opened at this, he sat up and looked at me. I stared back, pleadingly.

"What's wrong?" He yawned.

" I don't know, I just feel hungry." I growled through gritted teeth. Was I really sanguine? I hated the fact of killing to survive, like in those cliché vampire movies where the vampire is a heartless, insane killer who almost always gets staked by the 'good guys'. I used to the those shows.

"You have blood lust; you need to drink blood I'm afraid." Flynn replied. I could tell that he didn't like the idea of sucking blood either. I agreed with him. Draining the life out of people wasn't my style. I was a vegetarian until Flynn had given me that rabbit and I still didn't like dead animals especially people in this case.

"I don't want to hurt anyone!" I cried; I didn't want to become a psyco-killer. Flynn sighed, he pulled out a knife from a drawer. The knife looked sinister and could easily cut me like a warm knife through butter. What? I thought as I gasped, was he going to hurt me? He breathed and closed his eyes. He drew the knife across his own arm. It instantly started to bleed. He put his arm to my mouth. I couldn't help myself Pleasure entered my mouth even though what I was doing was disgusting. I kept on sucking his blood until there was no more blood for me to drink. I raised my head. Flynn was wincing. I was hurting him.

"Sorry." I apologized. I was so embarrassed. My face was probably as red as holly berries.

" No-No worries. You've been doing it all night." He swept his hair aside to show a hickey on the side on his neck. I was now feeling so uneasy. The pain I was feeling earlier had gone and was replaced by utter regret though I didn't remember doing it. I felt as guilty as I did when I stole a chocolate from my grandma's fridge and she asked me where it had gone and she knew it was me but I lied, I cringed as this awkward moment came back to me. To ease this, I opened the curtains, to put my mind of how much of an awful person I was; it was night again.

The reason for this, is that vampires need more sleeping time then humans. In fact, vampires are only awake for a average of 5 hours, usually from 5PM to 10PM. It makes renewal faster therefore we have more sleep if we are injured. Flynn took me out again, this time, to a nightclub. I told him that was underage ( I thought that I was 17 at the time). He smirked and handed me an ID. He told me that I was 18 and had turned quite recently. I didn't remember that. He told me that I had and I told him. I didn't know what he was going on about until he gave me the exact date of my birthday and told me the date now. Did I have amnesia? We had entered the club after showing our IDs' to the bouncer who let us pass.

Without the flashing lights, the club dark. The nightclub was packed. There were people dancing, a DJ playing freshest hits, I could feel the room vibrating, there were even strippers in cages hanging from the ceiling about 8 feet above our heads. There were flashing, rainbow lights everywhere. It seemed so familiar. We danced ;I soon became very drunk and was vomiting, crying, laughing, doing stuff I now regret. I was taking shot after shot and at one point, I collapsed at one point and guess who had to take me home!

I had a dream or I was really high, about a creepy bunny rabbit, or was it Miley Cyrus? She (or it) was twerking, bunny ears wagging. Some random guy started doing the Harlem Shake with rainbows coming out of his eyes and mouth. Spiderman came in and started to do Gangnam Style. Then, Ylvis came in, wearing a fox costume and singing 'What does the fox say' at the top of his voice. What?!

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