12: Alive

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Ryan's POV


"Knock out!" Will shouted as I started down at my opponent, Donnie.  I couldn't help but smile. My first win.

Then my brain said look up dumbass and I obeyed, my eyes locking onto Caster's. They were familiar and belonged to a stranger. That's when I noticed how beautiful she was. Even without seeing all of her face at that moment, even without knowing anything about her, I felt myself elevated to a new level of happiness. I never experienced anything like it. It was short but I enjoyed those seconds before she broke our gaze.

"Congrats, kiddo, you won your first match!" Will slapped my back. I winced a bit when he hit a sore spot.

Though a tight-lipped smile, I nodded, "Thanks, Will."

"No problem! I'll catch up with you in a bit," he crawls through the ropes and jogs over to Caster. 

Parker grinned from below my ring and helped me down. "Nice one, Ryan. You got better." Compliments like that from Parker were rare and I smiled.

"Thank you." I looked over at Will and Caster and felt drawn to go over to her. "Park?"


"Can you pick me up more Gatorade, I'm all out and I still have some matches."

"Sure, no problem," he strolls away pushing through the crowd to the exit.

I go over to Caster's little corner and watch her as she sits down while Will leaves her alone. "He seems nice," I say leaning against the doorway. Maybe I could be a little nicer to her, even though she embarrassed me like that.

"Get out," her voice was forced to be deeper which took me by surprise at first. I haven't really heard her speak in a really long time.

I try to make her lighten up a bit, "Aw why? No autograph?" suddenly this bitch (noticed I said bitch now) got up and approached me much faster than I had expected and brought her leg up and suddenly shot it out forward. The impact wasn't noticed until I felt the pain, I was out of her doorway, and I heard her door slam shut.

I cough, wheezing a little bit, hunching over grabbing my stomach. Dammit. Not gonna be nice anymore. Fuck that shit. "Hey, you good there?" Parker crouches over me. Will this chick learn not to fucking hurt me every damn time? As much as she is attractive, I really hate this abuse. 

"I'll live," I muttered annoyed. I straightened back up and dust off my clothes, even though nothing was on them. 

"What's the rest of the fighting schedule?" Parker asked as we exited the gym.

I held my bag tightly, "Depends on the rest of the guys fights tonight, I'm done until tomorrow, probably two matches."

My bag begins to vibrate and I pull out my phone. 

From: Ky

Hey, can we meet up and talk?

My response was immediate and had no hesitation. Of course, where the fuck have you been?  "Kyle just texted me."

"Seriously? About time. Where is he?"

"Dunno," I respond to Parker after reading another message from him. Not the point, just been thinking through some things. Meet me at your house.

"He's meeting us at my house, come on, let's get there." 

The way back home was silent. Danielle would be awake. He sleep schedule is so much more fucked up than mine. I look at the time on the microwave of my kitchen, 1:16 in the morning...thank god it's Saturday. Danielle sat in the living room listening to an audio book, "Welcome home, kiddo. Get me something to eat." I rolled my eyes and prepared her a snack as Parker followed like a lost puppy. I got her a sandwich with some chips and poured her a glass of whiskey. I set it down next to her and put my hand on her shoulders before walking out of the room. I returned seeing Kyle there with a dirty shirt, messed up hair, tired eyes. Overall, he looked like crap.

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