5: One Secret Down

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Grey's POV

Both packs of pudding and the granola wrapper were empty and left on the ground. Whatever I can always clean it up another time. Just not now. I'll embrace the laziness. 

While New Americana played on the radio, I glanced at Kevin who stared out the window. I wonder what had happened. Why he need to come to my place.

As approached the school, I remembered how it was the first Wednesday of the year. That meant that today was also the day for sports tryouts. I sighed a bit annoyed.

"Come on, Kev, we're here," I say looking at him and he smiled in return. We climb out of the truck and as we meet at the school doors. I use this time to brake away from Kevin. I wouldn't be surprised if plenty of sports teams asked him to come. I start dodging a few fliers. I jump when someone grabs my arm. I look at the brown haired boy who never seemed to stop smiling. "Thanks, thanks for being there for me." Before I could respond, Kevin rushed to his first period class. 

I stood stunned for a bit and regretaed it. People came bombarding me with fliers for their clubs and multiple freshman came to me with sports fliers.  Okay, honestly, the first Wednesday is  kind of like fans in a fandom, no one knows what they are until something triggers it. At that trigger, folks, is the first Wednesday of the year.

Some freshman had smiled up at me with giant eyes. "You should join cross country!"

"And run meaninglessly and trip over rocks and trees? Sorry but no. Plus, I prefer Netflix and books anyway," I say squeezing by her.

"Join the photography club!" Some girl squeaked sneaking a flier into my hand before running off. I look at it pausing. Maybe? No never mind.

I stop at my locker, thanking god that no one was there to advertise stuff. I open my locker and look at the mirror and my eyes widen. I spin around and look at the boy. "Patrick?"

"Aw, come on, Grey! You said that when you're a senior you'd change it up. For me?" The bell rings and I jump closing my eyes, Patrick was gone. I'm going crazy but that's definitely something he would say... I look at the crumpled fliers in my hands. Maybe it would be a good idea to change it up. I slam my locker shut walking to Chemistry but a body cuts me off. I look up and see Kyle hovering over me, "Kyle, what are yo-" he cuts me off shoving me into a closet. Just my luck. The one unlocked janitor closet in the whole school and I'm pushed into it. I groan hitting the wall as I tripped back. "What the heck?!" I glared at him and he sighs leaning against the door.

"Last night. I swear I saw you last night," he said quietly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. Did he figure out who I am?

"At the sports shop, you were there weren't you?" I stiffened a bit nodding. "So you saw?"

"You and the cashier?" I squeaked.

He nods, "Don't you dare tell anyone. Or you'll pay." He stood with his arms crossed and narrowed eyes.

"So, keep the secret that you're gay, a secret?"

"Yes dammit. Don't tell anyone and I mean it!"

I focus on him, "Ryan and Parker don't know huh?"

His eyes fog over angry and he pulled me close to the door. I close my eyes expecting the pain but it never came. I open one eye and see that I'm in the hallway. I jump running to Chem just in time.

I start going to the seat next to Gina once more. She smiled at me, "Hi, Grey."

"Hey," I smiled back taking my seat. Well, that was an information overload. Kyle Jones is gay and I'm probably the only one who knows, besides his boyfriend of course. And his best friends don't even know. Could that actually spark him to find out a secret of mine now that I know his? Shit. Were those workout clothes really worth it? Okay yeah, yeah they were.

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