11: Fight Night Part Two

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Grey's POV


"Hello you night owls!" Will's voice booms and people start cheering. "Welcome to the Underworld Match-Ups! In the ring in front of me we have in the red corner, Donnie Foxwoods!" He paused to let the crowd cheer. "And in the blue corner with his first debut as a boxer, Rand & Co. Gym's very own, Ryan Tanner! And in the ring behind me we have the ladies! In the red corner we have Cindy Malz!" I was zoned out while Will spoke, engulfed in the cheers of the on watchers.  "And in the blue corner we have Rand & Co. Gym's very own Caster!" The cheer became deafening. They were for me this time. I looked up at my opponent who's grey eyes were filled with determination but that will crumble shortly.

Earlier That Day
It started in Chemistry.

Gina smiled at me as we talked in class. We've gotten really close lately and I honestly love having a female friend again. Not like the guys are bad, but I can only handle so much of perverted jokes, stinky clothes, and sweat marks in my car. And pizza. As much as I love it, having it after every game -which is two or three times a week- you kinda start to hate it. How can the guys eat that much of the same thing repeatedly?!

"So I just read this book and I finished it in less than 4 hours! There was 500 something pages, so do the math, Grey," she laughed. "That's like, half a minute per page. If that doesn't 'no life, nerd', what will?"

I laughed with her, "At least you didn't take 6 AP tests without taking the class for them!"

Her eyes widened behind the glasses, "No way." I nodded and she bursts into hysteria for a second before cover in her mouth and muffling it so Mrs. Moore didn't say anything.

"Was that really that funny?" I asked with a smile plastered on.

She shakes her head and wipes away some tears of laughter, "Not at all! I just realized how nerdy we really are."

"We do have a greater brainpower and acumen than half of our student population."

She rolls her eyes, "Grey, you're being too generous. We are the only ones with it!"

I'm honestly surprised that we finished the experiment in class on time through our ramblings. I learned more about her too. She gets worried a lot about time. Fear of time? Its odd but it makes sense top I suppose. Torschlusspanik. I think because our friendship, she hasn't felt as isolated. And I'm glad to know I'm helping her with that.

When gym started, I was already pumping with energy for my fight tonight. Saturday night -tomorrow- is when I'll probably be on live TV or live computer webcam. Hope it's the second. "You seem hyper," Kevin commented with a grin.

"Oh, coffee," I responded with a lopsided smile.

He rolled his eyes. Gym class had consisted of sassy comments, acting out of shape, and a soccer ball to the face. "Grey! I said I was sorry!"

I glared at him as I covered my face with my larger sweatshirt sleeves. "You play soccer! You should know how to aim a damn ball-ow!"

"Like I said, I slipped!" He looks at me worried as we sat in the nurses office, him handing me an ice pack for my bruised cheek. I've had worse and the damage was mainly due to my glasses.

"You're running extra today at practice," I rubbed the sore spot.

"No practice today! Coach gave us a day off remember?" He smiles relieved.

"Fuck," I curse under my breath. "Monday then. Don't think I would forget."

Kevin gulped nervously. I smiled but winced at the sudden pain. God dammit. Word from the wise, avoid getting kicked in the face by a soccer ball, especially from Kevin. "I'm sorry! Okay I'll get you ice cream tomorrow. I promise. Please don't kill me."

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