30: A Hopeful Start

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Ryan's POV


I sit at the back of every classroom. That isn't abnormal for me, but what is different is that I actually did some work and didn't have anyone there to talk to. 

Grey's posy would avoid me like the plague. Kevin had definitely sent a warning text to Kyle and Parker because I didn't see them once in the hallway between the class changes. Until I had a class with Parker at the end of the day, and even there, Parker would avert his eyes. I would definitely catch him taking a peak here and there but otherwise, nothing from him. I can't say I blame them. 

As I paced through the halls, there was more than just the usual whispers that I had. usually at this point Marina and her flock would be chasing me and I had to either suck it up or use Kyle and Parker as my distraction so I could escape. Yes she was a bitch but there were moments where she was human again. Honestly, I was happy to know Jackson was with her and she seemed to actually be in a healthy relationship. Especially compared to what I gave her, I was such a piece of shit. All she would want is affection and I would deny it to her. 

I hated the way I've treated people around me because of my own insecurities and shame. I'm just like my parents after all. 

On my way out of the building, I see my police escort to bring me to some sort of safe house I'm assuming. Especially now that I am officially a snitch and Luke can come kill me at any point but ya know, a day in the life. 

They open the back passenger door and I can feel everyone's eyes boring into my head. Getting into the backseat is just as humiliating as one would think. The hard seat makes my body ache with each bump. "Where are we going to today?"

The officer's eyes meet mine in the rear view window. "Station today. Also got a call that you have a visitor waiting for you there."

I raise an eyebrow. Would Dani really be here? I haven't spoke to her in months... "Do you know who it is?"

He shakes his head and we remain silent for the short drive, which I don't mind. When we get there, I'm brought into the same interrogation room as I had been in countless times. I lean back in the chair, swaying it back and forth, before resting my head on the table and closing my eyes. The doors open, but I don't look up to see which officers or detective walk in. 

"Ryan?" my body stiffens at the familiar voice. I lift my head to see two men in suits. One of which is definitely - 

"Dad?" I'm stunned. 

"Hey, kiddo, I know it's been a few yea-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I narrow my eyes. Years ago, I would've been happy, no, ecstatic to see him. But those days are long gone. I stand out of my seat and one of the officers is looking at me warily. I know I can't touch him but oh my god I want his head on a table. 

Before he can say anything, I inspect the current situation and finally take note of the man standing beside him. "Oh wait, let me guess. You heard news of this and to save your public image as your estranged son, you brought me a nice fancy lawyer with you?" I tilt me head with the question. 

His face remains stone cold, or maybe the botox keeps his face from moving, "Along those lines."

I throw my hands in the air, faking excitement, "Oh my, thank you dad. You're always here when I need you most! What ever could I do without you."

The lawyer sits down and my scumbag father gestures to do the same. "Please, let's take care of this."

I stay standing for a moment, but silently return to my seat. The lawyer takes out his notepad, laptop, and pens. The mild tone man finally speaks, unfazed by our exchange. I'm sure he's seen worse. "It's nice meeting you Ryan. Your father has only said great things about you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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