4: Hump Day

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Kevin's POV


The thought's about last night only pissed me off even more. My brother knows what's it like home. And that bastard thinks he can do whatever when I'm the one who gets in trouble for every mistake he makes. I leaned back, both packs of pudding and the granola wrapper were empty. I'm really thankful I met Grey. I feel like I can trust her with anything, even though we've known each other less than a week. She's just that kind of person I guess.

My eyes follow the road next to us, ignoring the existence of cars, the morning sun still trying to climb into the sky.

The song in the background was New Americana. It was slightly annoying but still good. Today wasn't a day I wanted to worry about. Today was also the day for sports tryouts and the opening of every club looking for members. In Greenwich, I played football, soccer, indoor track, and outdoor track, while also being involved in  the art club and debate team. Maybe Grey does either club. I look at her grazing over her body then away not getting attention pulled to myself. She plays sports that's a fact with the mount of muscle she has built under the large shirts she wears. I wonder which. Soccer doesn't quite involve such a muscular upper body, maybe lacrosse but I feel like that's off. I give up returning to look at the clothes on me. They were her brother's. She still has his clothes. If his clothes are still here about 4-6 months later, he must have had died suddenly. That's horrible to have to deal with. And how she practically tears up when looking at the clothes hugging me.

"Come on, Kev, we're here," Grey interrupted my thoughts and I plaster on a smile nodding. We climb out of the truck and as we meet at the school doors, I take note of our height difference. I'm 6'2" yet she's not average height like 5'3", she's at least 5'9".

I look ahead and before she strays away to her next class, I grab her arm. I blush touching her so suddenly and I see the same for her. "Thanks, thanks for being there for me." Before I would hear a response, I turned rushing down the hallway for my first period class. Five more and then I would see her in lunch. Time can't go any slower. 

My heart kept telling me I knew her. I was really close to her somehow but I know I've never met her. But the heart in my chest is saying otherwise to what my brain screams to me. Wish those two agreed more with each other.


Ryan's POV


I arrive to school hearing whispers behind my back. The bruise on my head was covered now by my hair. As my steps echoed the halls, people stared at me. What the hell. I grab a nerd and slam him against the lockers. His eyes bulge out of his terrified. "Why's everyone staring?"

"T-the video of y-you f-fighting," he stutters pulling out his phone. He scrolls through messages and holds it out. Monday night's fight replays and I growl at it. 

"Do you like computers?" I ask through grit teeth.

"I-I can delete the v-video if you want..." I glare and he nods quickly, his glasses falling down. "Y-yeah I'll get rid of it!" I drop him and he runs away stumbling. 

I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose. Kyle slings an arm over my shoulder and smiles slightly, "Great day back?"

"More like shit," I groaned and he smiled slightly. I glared and punched him, hard. "It isn't funny, asshole."

"I didn't find it funny," he grunted.

"Then why did you smile like that?"

He shrugged, "Well, maybe because the fact that you freak out like a girl getting her first period, is pretty damn funny. Not the situation just your reaction."

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